Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pictures of former husband all over the house, is this acceptable?

Is it alright for the woman to put up a lot pictures of her former husband over her house with her new husband and young kids? The story behind is that they got married after college, about 21 years old, and he went off to war, and got killed.

She got remarried but I know she misses him... but is it normal? I do not know how her new family feels about this.|||The manner in which she lost him is tragic, no doubt, and sometimes the people left behind can become afraid that their loved one can be forgotten in the vast expanse of time. She finds comfort in these pictures, and if the children are his, it is probably important for her to make sure the kids know how much their father loved them.

It is perfectly normal as long as the family does not object.|||Yes, it is absolutely ok. Especially since his children are in the home.|||No. It will only be ok to have pictures in the children's room or an album with the children and family somewhere the children can take it and look at it but then, put it back again where it was. No matter the sad story (sorry, I don't mean to be harsh) but wife needs to move on, respect her new husband and let the past where it belongs. Not even if she hadn't remarried would it be ok to have pictures all over the house, probably one or two but that's it. And it's not like the new husband is replacing the first one, but a new story needs space to be told.

Edit: if these are not the first husband's children, then, NO pictutres of him!! Probably one or two in some box way in the back of a closet, it's sad that he died, but new family, new life, new stories can feel less important than a memory and they are alive!|||I think that it's really a personal decision. For me, it would be weird to have a lot of pictures all over the house or one on my bedside table. But it would be selfish of the new husband to think that she should just forget about her previous life, especially where he was taken away so suddenly.|||Yes if a great gesture to you former husband/wife. At one time you must have loved her/him and to me if she/he was so wonderful that you married, then why not. I have my ex hubby photos up, he is my son's dad. Even if we are divorced,he still is a wonderful man and father.


PS WE don't have any hate in my house

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