Thursday, November 24, 2011

How do you get smoke smell out of a house? My husband and I just found a home that we'd like to buy but the

owners seem to be chain smokers (they were there) and the house just had such a strong smoke smell. Is there a way to get it out completely?|||I personally smoke a lot in my house, which becomes a problem if I want to host a party (I don't want the place reeking of smoke).

If you have a lot of money, replace the carpets, hire painters to repaint everything, and hire mades to scrub every single surface in your house. If you want to save some money, read below. It works great.

What I do is set up a few standing fans, usually one or two on each level of my townhouse. I turn them all on high and then I use Febreeze Air Effects Berries %26amp; Paradise. The aerosol febreeze is great. I liberally spray them right in front of the fan and then I turn the fans randomly to change up the air flow. It may be quite a strong smell, because you will probably have to use a lot of febreeze, but it will subside quickly and the smoke smell will be gone.

Also, to be extra thorough, having your carpets dry-cleaned would be a good idea. Most supermarkets will let you rent a carpet cleaner.|||if there is carpet then get rid of it all. plus repaint all the walls. the smoke smell will really stay in the existing paint. plus the smell of the new paint should cover up any other lingering smell.|||Call Steam cleaners to come in and clean the carpets and walls, and all surfaces. If the smell doesnt go away you will probably have to repaint the walls, ceiling, and trim. You will have to replace the carpet, and get the duct work cleaned out and replace the furnace filter it they have one. Most likely this will do the trick, but it is a costly project, if you mention this whole process to the current owners and tell them you will buy if this gets taken care of they will usually go for it. (if the offer is right) Make sure you tell them EVERYTHING that needs to be done, the more you put on their shoulders the more they will respond to your offer. Make them feel like they NEED to do this, that should get them motivated. If not offer them less money and tell them its because once you buy the house you will have to put alot of money into it to make it not smell like a bar. You see where I am going with this. I have has similar experiences buy homes. You have to be agressive to these people or you will get hosed.|||Yes. You will need to clean all of the floors and walls good. If you have Carpet buy a good Shampoo and use it about twice on your floors to remove odor and Nicotine. Also Nicotine sticks badly to walls so you will need a Magic Eraser and Pine Sol to remove the Stains and odor caused from them. If there are any Curtains left behind these also will need a Good washing. Just let them Soak in the Washing detergent (Tide works best) and then rehang. This should do the trick. My Fiance and I both smoke and I am a "neat freak" and cannot stand Odors and Stains..|||clean the carpet

paint the wall

and eat two cans on Heinz baked beans

it will be all your smells forever|||Get the carpets out

clean the floors using pine-sol

leave the windows open

use lysol or oust|||have it painted|||Hire a cleaning service with experience in this. All surfaces will need to be scrubbed and carpets removed as well as any drapes, etc.|||You sure can. They carpets and curtains will get steam cleaned. The walls will be washed by the last owners and by you. The first big clean done before or right after you move in will get rid of the smell. The smell on the furniture will go with them when they move all of their stuff out so they only things that will still have the smell is the surfaces. Walls, floors, carpets, counters, cupboards, and these can all be washed and cleaned. Good luck on your future house! Congrats!|||replace the carpet, paint the walls, have an A/C company come out and clean everything they can, ducts, vents, the main unit filter, and so on. Replace all air filters reguarly.

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