Friday, December 2, 2011

My mother quit claimed her house to me and my husband. What happens when she dies?

My mother "sold" her house to me and my husband. We are making monthly payments directly to her. She has also quit claimed the house to us. I have two siblings. I was wondering what would happen when my mother dies. Will the house be ours or will we have to pay my siblings for their 1/3 part of the house. The will states that the house goes to all three of us. The quit claim was made after the will. Thanks |||You need to ask her what she expects. Legally as far as the house is concerned, it belongs to you already. She deeded it to you. The will says it goes to the three of you but, since she no longer has a house, there is nothing to split. You need her to change her will and explain to you what she wants done. Perhaps, the note you signed (if you signed one) specifies that the payments will continue to your other siblings until the house is paid.

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