Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why do other women look down on me for wanting a house husband that cooks and cleans for me?

Last time I checked we are free and liberated. We no longer have to take the subordinate position. We are leaders, CEOs and the most educated generation of women in history.|||Wow something vaguely sensible out of Mike!!!!!

If I'm a leader and a CEO I can afford to pay a housekeeper I don't need marry one. When you marry you're supposed to become a team. The way you describe this relationship you're looking for, it sounds like you want to control someone more than you want a relationship built on mutual respect.

Add: I answered before I read all the previous....chana-great minds think alike.|||As long as you aren't going to become his sugar mama, I have no problem with you.|||Am I the only one that finds it funny that if the roles were reversed you would find the man to be totally sexist?

Double standards. You need to lose them.|||Women no longer being dominated and oppressed should not imply that they now be the dominators and oppressors.

If you find a husband that WANTS his job to be maintaining the household, then congratulations. Whatever works for your marriage works for me.|||Sexist views are not asexual.|||seems a nice and enviable position to be in|||Simple Answer: Bible says "honor thy husband". It says nothing about cooking, washing clothes and paying the mortgage.

You are the feminist who give women a bad name. Next thing you will be wanting to impregnate your house husband so he can have the children. Grow up and go do the right thing.|||Most men that cook and clean have no job and the woman works.

If a man who has a job was willing to do this, what are you going to do for him in exchange?

I only once in my life knew a man who did all the house cleaning, he was a school janitor, and wanted his wife to have time to make great strides in her art work and her make trips to see the relatives.|||If your other half is fine with both your lifestyles and you both are truly happy then that's all that matters. People will always have something to say!|||I don't look down on you - I would crawl over hot coals to find such a man! Imagine always coming home to a neat house, cooked food, clean clothes - oh it would be fantastic. I think most women would be jealous of you :-)|||Well, it's not the norm, but who cares if that's what you want? I just wonder how much luck you will have finding him.

Why do you want a subordinate husband though?

PS - Cassius why you block me? You no like reasoning? Thhhpt!|||This is an example of how traditional female gender roles are not valued as much as traditional male ones.||| he looks great in just his rubber gloves! ;-)|||Go for it! I know a bank president that is a woman and her man is a house husband taking care of the kiddies. She manages all the bills, etc. because a parakeet could probably beat this guy at a game of Scrabble. I also know a female doctor and her husband doesn't work anywhere except within their home! He cooks nice meals and cleans just satisfies her in the sack. She is smarter than him. So why the heck not? This is 2008, baby!|||Are women the only ones who are 'free and liberated'? Aren't men also free? Or do you advocate making men subordinate to women now? We are taking no lessons from history if, after centuries of oppression, we turn around and oppress others. Why not look for a relationship with someone who will equally share the responsibility of a household. If you are a leader, an educated individual, don't you want to be with another educated person, someone equal to you, or do you want a slave?

If other women look down on you for this attitude, maybe it's because you sound like a spoiled princess who wants to be waited on and cleaned up after. If this is the case, why not be in a profession where you can make enough money to afford a maid?|||because women are the worst at discrimination and sexism.|||Who cares?

If everything is so great now.. what are you doing here on this forum whining about this non-sense? Go out and enjoy your power and liberation...|||Most women want kids, a family, and have a nuturing personality. Blame in part society, blame in part historical societal roles. Women are the givers of life... Men are sperm donors... You can build a civilization with a handful of men and a lot of women, but not the other way around. That's why historically women were guarded in their community groups and the high risk/danger hunting/foraging was left to the expendable men. Men became heros and protectors and providers, while women began to provide a home atmosphere to care for children, husband, and to guard from harshness of the outside world.

Fast forward to today... I feel that a lot of women today still have that desire for a protector, provider, hero, and have a hard time wanting to switch roles and are quick to criticize anyone (you) who wants to do so. Lucky for us men because, in all actuallity we're not really needed that much anymore.

On aside, from the comment above about wives needing to honor their husbands from the Bible, it drives me nuts that the second half is never given, "husbands love your wives with the love of Christ (meaning a love so strong that they would lay down their lives for their wives in a heartbeat)." Paul wrote the verse with a tempered irony because, he knew that women are strong-willed(hard to submit/admit wrong) and men can be self-centered/self-serving(wouldn't want to give up their lives for someone else); more of an ideal perhaps to strive for to have a loving, balanced, relationship...|||You make him sound more like a servant than an equal partner. There's nothing wrong with a man who stays at home and cares for the house, but you will be hard-pressed to find a man willing to do it. You can't force a person to do what you want. What if you fall in love with a man who wants to have a career? Will you refuse to marry him?|||There are many women out there who desire to do that for their husbands. I can only assume there'd be men out there who'd desire to do that for their wives. Good luck finding one.|||haha, it's funny how the people who say it's natural and more fulfilling for a women to stay home think it's "oppression" and servitude when a man does it.

There is no shame in taking care of your home and or kids. My husband would love to be a homemaker if we didn't need his income. Other women can look down on me all they want!

EDIT: To answer your question Djuna, as a feminist considering this sort of arrangement, it really has nothing to do with these philosophies your talking about, just plain old practicality. My husband doesn't need to be taken down a notch, just as a woman who stays home isn't lower than the man who goes to work.

I have a very fulfilling job. I love to work and I make decent money. My husband is a homebody. He enjoys cooking, likes a clean house and never really found his calling in the work world. This has nothing to do with a power struggle or feminism (even though I am one).|||I think most feminists would love to see more of that. They confuse making money with having all the power in a relationship, so a woman-on-top scenario suits them just fine. They seem strangely silent about the "neccessity" of getting a paycheck to quailfy as a real human being in this instance. Perhaps men already qualify, by virtue of being men? Or maybe they *need* to be taken down a notch as it is? You tell me, feminists.|||For starters I'm an anti-feminist. Having said that, to tell you the truth you don't sound all that liberated to me. Look at you asking permission from your fellow feminists and other people to live the life that you have chosen to live. Then to put the icing on the cake; one of your kind actually gave you her blessings, as long as, you don't become a sugar ma ma. Wow that was sweet of her. Dear Heaven woman why do you care what other people think; just go and live your life.

Start believing for once in your life that you are just as human as every one else who walks on this planet. Stop believing that you have to depend upon what others think and, or say..|||I have a hard job and would love a "man-wife." I pay a lot of money for all those services now. Besides, there would be free-sex included - no more searching. What a good deal men get when they marry a stay at home wife! It should certainly be an option for us women!|||Maybe because they feel repulsed by such a man and think you are weired for wanting one. Same reason men who like big muscular women are being looked down unto really.

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