Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can i take husband house from a will in a divorce?

if my father in law left my husband a house, can I sue in our divorce?|||No, you can not it is separate property given to him in a Will by his Father,, Unless it has your name there you will not get anything from it.|||If your father left it to your husband... Let it go! It's just a house!

If I were your friend I think I'd never talk to you again if you sued for something like that. I would lose sooo much respect.

(Then again this is an outsiders point of view, not seeing the whole story)|||has the father in law passed and it now belongs to your husband? yes

if he left it in a will for when he does pass on but does not own it yet, no, you cannot|||depends on the state and the case, but it is a ***** move and I would burn it to the ground before you got your hands on it.|||Depending on how long you've been married you can take half your husband's property. You should see a lawyer as these things can be incredibly complex. You sound a bit greedy if i'm honest.|||Uh, that's a real ***** move. I am pretty sure you shouldn't take anything that wasn't yours from the get go. No wonder people think woman are so vindictive.|||I see why he wants to divorce you. its women like you that makes men not want to get married. You are greedy and selfish.|||what is the purpose of you trying to take his dead fathers house|||So, all along you've been after wealth!!!!|||what a greedy act.|||if you have a big enough shovel, you gold digging piece of garbage

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