Saturday, November 19, 2011

What are your thoughts on a house husband?

one who does work to free up time?

my views are it should all be fair and equal.|||Either both should work and split the household chores 50/50, or the one who doesn't work should do the majority of the household chores/ child care.|||Well, honestly, I do not under estimate nor look down on men who opted to stay in the house to become house husbands. However, there should be a valid and logical reason in doing so.

For example, a couple who has kids and cannot afford to pay extra for a cleaning lady or nanny. If the woman is earning more, sometimes, husbands give way and they give up their regular job to become a house husband, looking after the house and the kids.

Staying home 24/7 doing all the house chores plus looking after the children is no easy job and housewives who stays at home full time can attest to that.

Being a house husband is a noble role and I don't think that we should look down on any man who chooses to stay home and switch roles with their wives for a practical reason.|||I think that a house husband would be wonderful depending on the situation. If a woman can be a house wife then a man can be a house husband. It just depends on the situation and what both people in the relationship agree with.

"House Husbands" don't stay home, do nothing and look at porn as some others have said... That would classify a dead-beat bum or even a loser.

If they are going to be a house husband then they are expected to do the things around the house that a house wife would do. Laundry, dishes, tidy up etc...|||I would be okay with my partner not working at all if I earned enough. Not forever, and only if we had decided on it together. If he just suddenly became lazy and didn't bother looking for a job it would be a different story. But if we decide together as a couple to do that, then great.

If you are just referring to a man who helps out around the house in addition to working, then that's just how it is supposed to be. Everyone should help out at home.|||I've been out of work for almost 2 years. I see it as my job to look for a job but also to do the house chores, so that's what I do.|||bull crap, ill tell you what house husbands do, stay home and look at porn,

any man who is content to let life pass him by and let his wife feed him has no backbone.|||I think it is equal

alot of women have children and go back to work, while the father stays home and looks after them|||No balls........lacking testosterone.......not a real man........

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