Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is the name of the document to have my husband leave the house?

i filed a domesitc violence. my husband beated me up. so i want to tell the police to have my husband leave the house. i have no where else to go. what is the name of this document?|||Death Certificate?|||Certificate of Divorce.|||the first court document is an ex parte order. meaning that you got a temporary restraining order by just going to the court by yourself, good for 1-2 wks.

second is a protective order, usually good for a year, in which there was a court hearing and he had the opportunity to tell the court his side.|||I've gotten MANY of them %26amp; they DO work. It's called a Restraining Order. It w/completely keep him away from you, NO contact of ANY kind, no phone calls, texts, emails, NO contact %26amp; he's not allowed w/in 500 ft. of you at all times. If he breaks it at all, a call to the police w/get him away from you. If you need it, get it ASAP. All you need to do is call the police or go to the police station, either one w/work. Tell them you are afraid of him %26amp; he's going to hurt you if you don't keep him away from you. GET IT if you need it %26amp; don't be afraid. You'll be 100% protected at ALL times...the best to you...:)|||A Restraining Order is a court order intended to protect you from further harm from someone who has hurt you; to keep the abuser away from you, or to stop harassing you, or keep the abuser from the scene of the violence, which may include your home, place of work, or apartment.|||would it be an order of protection?

maybe a restraining order?

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