Thursday, November 24, 2011

Parents- How would you feel if your daughter had a husband who is a house-husband?

I wouldn't like it at all. If he is capable of working, he should be out working.

If he got laid off, is a stay-at-home father or has a disability~ then that's different. But if he's simply freeloading, then it's sad. He needs to get a job.|||If that's what works for their family, then I would think it was great! What's more important to me is that they are having fun with their lives, treating each other with respect and being responsible people.|||Well is he a good husband? A good father (if they have kids)?

I guess it would depend on the situation. If they have kids and he is a stay at home dad and is a good husband and dad that would be okay.It seems like there are a lot of families having the mother be the breadwinner.

If there are no kids and he just loafs around the house doing nothing then he is a slug.|||It depends - is he a stay at home dad? Then I would think it is great. It is so hard now-a-days to be able to survive on one salary to raise kids and if she can make enough to support the family than good for her.

On the other hand if he is not a stay at home dad then I would have some issues with it.|||Is he raising a child? That counts as "working."

Is he medically unable to work? That counts as "doing the best you can."

Otherwise, I think the pertinent question is ... is your daughter okay with it? If so, it counts as "their business." If not, well, I'd worry about my daughter.|||AKA free loader??

no it depends on the situation. if he dosen't want to work then he is a free loader or if he just can't work for some reason then its okay, i guess. also maybe he is a Stay at home dad. again it all depends on the situation.|||If he is a bum like my son in law then I wouldn't, and don't like it. But it's none of my business.

If he does all the house work and takes care of the kids because your daughter makes tons of money, then if that's the way they like it then that is ok.|||Depends. Is he just being a slob, or is he a SAHD???? If he is at home, doing laundry, taking care of the kids, making dinner, and running errands...then good for them!! IF he is just sitting around, making a mess and leaving your daughter to do everything...then I guess I would let my daughter handle it. Basically... not my marriage, not my problem!!|||If he were a true stay at home dad (meaning he and your daughter deliberately decided that he would stay home to take care of the kids) then I wouldn't have a problem with it at all.

I have a girlfriend of mine whose hubby is a SAHD. She makes a HUGE income (surgeon) and he stays home with the kids. It was hard for him to swallow, but he does it. He also is a freelance writer and does that in his spare time. They have four kids. I think it's kind of neat.

Now, if your daughter's husband is staying home for other reasons (lazy, can't get a job, etc), then I'd be against it.

Hope it's a choice by your daughter and her husband together - not by a freeloading husband dumping the work on your daughter. Also, if it's a wife freeloading off of her husband - I see that just as wrong.|||My husband said if I made a lot of money he'd stay home, and I told him "Oh, no you won't!"

I would hate it.|||Well this is a very broad statement. It is definatly a case by case. If he just didn't work there were no kids then that would make me upset. If there were kids and he still made my daughter do the cleaning picking them up from school again NO. If he was laid off and couldn't find work that would be fine. Or if they decided that her income was higher so he would be a stay at home dad that would be fine also. Why not? My wife is a stay at home mom and my parents don't look down on her. If she was working and i was home i hope her parents would not look down on me. As long as it is equal and the one who stays home is not just leaching off the other that is fine|||It depends its not the norm. I wouldn't like it if he sat at home and did nothing while she worked her tail off. My brother is a house husband and it works in there family. He cooks, he cleans and take care of the kids. He does this very well I might add. It works for them my sister in law likes it this way and he is happy with it also. Sometimes I can see myself enjoying something like this too. It's such a double standard that on a women can be a housewife. Whats so wrong with a man taking this role?|||If your daughter makes enough to support them both comfortably and if he stays at home and actually does stuff, like clean, cook, take stress off of her...

Then ya, I think it is OK.

But if they are struggling to pay bills and he just sits around and does nothing then that is a problem. And he isn't a very good husband.|||I'd tell her to find a really man.|||If she earns good money, he looks after the children and they are both happy with the arrangement, then I would be happy for them.|||If he is a stay at home Dad, I would be proud of my daughter and her husband for making a choice that is best for the kids. If there are no children involved, I would tell my lazy son-in-law that he is a loser who needs to get a job.|||If he is in the role of keeping the house and raising the children then I have no issues with it. If, on the other hand, he is simply sitting at home doing nothing, then he needs to be motivated a bit.

On another note, I would limit my dislike of the situation (in the latter case above). The issue would be more of my daughter's problem, not mine. This doesn't mean it can't be discussed, but read your daughters feelings on the situation and offer advice when asked or drop the subject.|||it would be OK, cause my hubby is a house hubby but he dose everything around the house and takes care of our kids and balance's the check book so to me that is a full time job too!!!|||If it's what works for them then I really don't mind.

A good stay at home dad is rare to see. They are few and far between and I really admire them for it.|||i was raised that a woman never keeps a man and a woman stays home and raises the kids and keeps the house. so it goes against everything i was raised to believe, but hey if he does a good job with the kids and the house,and she enjoys her job, and they have plenty of money, thats completely between them.|||i dont know. i only 19 but if my daughter was truley in love with him and if he helped her out and cared for her deeply and i could see that he was a good guy, then no i wouldn't mind.

but if he's a jerk to her and doesn't help out then i would.|||How's that any different than her living off his income?

If she can make enough money to support the family financially, that's fine. Also, just because he stays home doesn't mean that he can't help out. In the situation where one partner stays home (regardless of gender), the one that stays home should take care of the household chores (maybe not completely, but they shouldn't be completely free-loading).

A marriage is about partnership and working together. If they can live off a single salary, fine, let them. But, whomever stays home should help out, too; there's still work to be done--dishes, vacuuming, taking care of children (if there are any), cooking supper, laundry, etc.

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