Wednesday, November 30, 2011
What about a wife that is living with her in-laws ,should her husband bring a seperate house for her or what ?
I mean if she staying with them is she doing a favour for her husband if he is unable at the moment to bring a house or is she forced to do that ?|||I'm sure she feels very uncomfortable living with her in-laws. She would rather live with her husband in a seperate house, just the two of them. If the husband cannot afford to buy a house he should at least rent an apartment, for the 2 of them, like it should be.|||until the 1950's it was common (about 50%) of families the wife left her family to live with her husband and his family for life and they all would live in same house, so yes it is something that has always been the way of life we are just returning to that now.|||What does bring a house mean???|||I do not understand your question ? LOL it doesn't make any sense!!
If my husband sells me the house after divorce will I qualify for the $8000 first time home buyer tax credit?
My husband and I are separated and divorcing and I plan on purchasing the house from him in the divorce. The house, mortgage and title are in his name only. Will I qualify for the $8000 tax credit once I buy the house since the divorce should be final by the time it is purchased or only the $6500 credit? What would be different if the divorce is not final when I buy the house?|||On the face of it, sounds like you are a first timer.
But tax and divorce law are complex, being a combination of state and fed, so talk to your lawyer to be sure to do it right. You may need to do certain things in the divorce negotiation to solidify your legal/tax position.|||No, you don't qualify for either credit.|||Do you live in a community property state? If so, you already own half the house. Are you paying full market price for the house, or half in a property settlement? You already own half the house if you are only paying him half. No way you are going to get the tax credit.|||Probably not, for several reasons. One is that you are related, albeit the relationship is ending, with the person selling the house. The second is that you will still have been considered to have owned a home in the last three years, so would not qualify for the first time home buyers tax credit.
However, if you have owned the home for the last five years, you may qualify for the $6500 credit, but you would still not be able to purchase the home from a family member/spouse. So, to qualify you would need to purchase it from someone unrelated to you.
But tax and divorce law are complex, being a combination of state and fed, so talk to your lawyer to be sure to do it right. You may need to do certain things in the divorce negotiation to solidify your legal/tax position.|||No, you don't qualify for either credit.|||Do you live in a community property state? If so, you already own half the house. Are you paying full market price for the house, or half in a property settlement? You already own half the house if you are only paying him half. No way you are going to get the tax credit.|||Probably not, for several reasons. One is that you are related, albeit the relationship is ending, with the person selling the house. The second is that you will still have been considered to have owned a home in the last three years, so would not qualify for the first time home buyers tax credit.
However, if you have owned the home for the last five years, you may qualify for the $6500 credit, but you would still not be able to purchase the home from a family member/spouse. So, to qualify you would need to purchase it from someone unrelated to you.
I co-own a house with my husband. Does he need to write in a will that the house goes to me if he passes on?
Isn't it implied in the house title/ownership/mortgage papers?|||If its jointly owned with right of survivorship, it will go to you on his passing.|||i wouldn't think so, if your name is on the house, then its yours to but i would go talk to a lawyer to make completely sure. the govt loves to find ways of screwing people of whats rightfully theirs. so it wouldn't hurt anything to double check. god forbid something happen to your husband you would know how to handle everything.|||no you dont. but a will is always a good thing to have. it bypasses other legal matters that are delayed without a will.|||When my Aunt and Uncle made out their wills they did the following. My uncle made out his will that everything would go to my Aunt in the event that he died before her. If he didn't pass on before her and she died then everything would be left to me. She did the reverse. She made out her will and left everything to him When she passed away and if they were both gone then everything would pass to me their only living relative.|||Nope you'll get it, as long as your not a millionaire with a couple of kids that are greedy. They always find a loop hole.|||Implied means SQUAT in probate court. If, for example, he divorces you right before he dies, and remarries, then you and his wife will co-own the house.
Property rights are different in different states - but it's foolish to leave out half the house from your will.|||In some states, without a will the persons part goes to the kids. When my dad died, 1/2 of everything went to us. We were under age and the court appointement us a guardian. It worked out because he just let mom need what she needed to do, but I can see where it could get in a mess. Also, I have seen it where some kids have fixed it where mom has no house.
I heard that all of this has changed, but why take a chance. If you are going to all of the trouble to make a will. Fix it how you want things to be. Then no one can argue about it, or they can, but at least it is in writing.
Property rights are different in different states - but it's foolish to leave out half the house from your will.|||In some states, without a will the persons part goes to the kids. When my dad died, 1/2 of everything went to us. We were under age and the court appointement us a guardian. It worked out because he just let mom need what she needed to do, but I can see where it could get in a mess. Also, I have seen it where some kids have fixed it where mom has no house.
I heard that all of this has changed, but why take a chance. If you are going to all of the trouble to make a will. Fix it how you want things to be. Then no one can argue about it, or they can, but at least it is in writing.
My husband and I bought a house (March 2008) should we file our taxes separately or jointly?
We filed separately last year and I did pretty good because I have 2 dependents...My husband did ok he has 1 dependent(we do not have children together). But we didn't have the house last year either. What is the best thing to do?|||I am sure you did pretty good if you filed head of household, you were able to claim credits. But, that is cheating the government. If you filed Married filing separately is similar to being single when it comes down to paying taxes and you can't claim the EIC, if you qualify.
The best and honest way to do it is to file together. You bought a new house this year so it would be good to get credit for being a first time home buyer. But, you will pay less taxes if you file together.|||You'll always pay less tax if you file married filing jointly.|||In almost every case, it works out better for couples to file as MFJ rather than MFS.
Just plug in your numbers both ways and see what works out best for you. You don't need to actually file in order to play around online at any of the bigger tax prep sites.|||listen to the Prophet ..|||The "joint or separate" question has a lot of factors. And the savings, if you file separately, often show up in the state returns. In general, if your incomes are very similar, you might do better filing separately. If one of you makes a deal more than the other, I can almost guarantee you'll be better off going joint.
But to be sure - you have to do them both ways, fed AND state, and add up everything both ways, to see which is best for you.
The best and honest way to do it is to file together. You bought a new house this year so it would be good to get credit for being a first time home buyer. But, you will pay less taxes if you file together.|||You'll always pay less tax if you file married filing jointly.|||In almost every case, it works out better for couples to file as MFJ rather than MFS.
Just plug in your numbers both ways and see what works out best for you. You don't need to actually file in order to play around online at any of the bigger tax prep sites.|||listen to the Prophet ..|||The "joint or separate" question has a lot of factors. And the savings, if you file separately, often show up in the state returns. In general, if your incomes are very similar, you might do better filing separately. If one of you makes a deal more than the other, I can almost guarantee you'll be better off going joint.
But to be sure - you have to do them both ways, fed AND state, and add up everything both ways, to see which is best for you.
How do I get my husband to quit smoking cigarettes in the house?
Since the weather outside has gotten cold my husband is now smoking in the house. Yes I have ASKED him to smoke OUT side because I am 8 months pregnant and have a 2 year old and 4 year old to consider. He refuses to. The smoke travels out of the bathroom and into the hall way and our bedroom. I can't breathe properly and have explained this to him.
How can I get him to be more considerate of me And our children?
Please any tips would be great.|||Oh I may get bashed for this but so what.
Get a bottle, squirt kind, even buy a clean one from the market. Fill it with water.
Every time he lights up, if you're there, squirt him/it.
If he doesn't get the hint tell him you're going to Moms till he quits.
Cheryl|||I think you are being a little critical of a man you have vowed to love and cherish through sickness and in health. I have yet to find sufficient evidence to prove the side effects of second hand smoke, and would be very doubtful that your husband smoking in a bathroom that you are not even in would cause any adverse effects to you or your unborn child. Do your children smoke? Because if they did, it would surely be less of an annoyance to them if their father smoked.|||Ask your husband to go with you on your next doctor visit. Have the doctor explain to your husband the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on his unborn child. Then have her recommend or prescribe something to stop his smoking. If this doesn't work, I'd ask family if you and your children could stay with them until the baby is born. Hopefully, he'll take his smokes outside, cold or not cold. Millions of smoking Americans who work have to take their smoking breaks out of doors in bad winter weather. He can too.|||he has to open a window or get a air cleaner i can;t believe some one can do that and not consider other people in the house,
i would also get him stuff so he can quite smoking ,
in my house every time he lite up and i could smell it he had to put 75 cents into a kitty that money added up fast and he could see what he was doing to us
but chat with the him about how the doctors says it is bad for the kids not so much for him which it is but he has to think of the kids |||I had the same problem with my husband smoking in the car. A stubborn man will not change and he will find little ways to make you feel guilty about asking him to stop even if you both don't realize he's doing it. I would recomend never feeling guilty for asking to be healthy (especially for your baby!) and tell him to get his butt outside that second. Don't ask him, tell him. If he still refuses (which let's face it if he chose to smoke inside in the first place then your health isn't his top priority, I know mine isn't to the man I married despite what he says his actions speak way louder) But maybe compromise and stick a space heater in the garage. |||When it's children whose health is at stake, it's a stupid person who smokes around them and in the house. Not only does second hand smoke endanger them, but he should think of you and the baby you carry. I don't feel he's worth staying with, but it's up to you. He won't listen and anything you do to try and prevent the smoking won't work. He's hooked and likes it. |||I live with a chain smoker and I have asthma. He usually goes outside but he thinks it's ok to smoke in a room as long as I'm not in it. I've told him I can't stand it and he gets defensive. I've also told him I can't breathe. My Dr. even told him he is killing me. I figure if he won't stop he plain out doesn't give a *** so he must not care.|||Obviously he doesn't care about the health of his family.Does he not realize second hand smoke can kill you and your children? He needs a wake up call big time.Maybe you could let him read the answers you have gotten to your question and see if that makes him reconsider his actions.If he Truly loves his family he will stop smoking in the house.|||Call him at the dead of night, tell him you have something to discuss with him. Let him know the dangers of smoking and the effects it will have on the baby. If he is still not willing get your family doctor along with a close friend of his to speak with him on same. You can as well give him a gift of book that spoke on dangers of smoking e.g . With this i am sure he will see reasons with you.|||You can't. The way to get a husband to be considerate is to marry a considerate person to begin with. You can't make the leopard change his spots. I'm not sure why people think there's some magic way to make their partners change - there simply isn't. |||Tell him that if he lights up inside again, you will take the kids and leave. In the interest of their health (not to mention your own health and that of your unborn baby), that's what you must do. If he thinks you're bluffing and smokes again despite your warning, follow through.|||smoking causes so many respiratory illnesses. Get some information on it from your doctor and tell him it isn't a choice. Either smoke outside or move out. It may seem harsh to you but he is hurting you and the kids. |||You should have figured something like this would happen when you married him. Now you are stuck. Did you think he would change habits because he married you? Think again.
I grew up in a smokers home, and my sister and I grew up healthy normal kids. So don't freak out over nothing. |||When our kids were young and kept getting colds and ear infections the doctor asked me, do you smoke? I didn't but my husband did. As soon as I told him what the doctor said, he quit cold turkey. It's been like 25 years now.|||You take his money and all his cigarettes and throw the smokes in the trash and keep the money|||Tell him that just how he is slowly killing you with his cigarette smoke, you will slowly kill him by poisoning his food. Hey if he cannot respect your health and your life, why should you his?|||Tell him how trashy it is and tell him to smoke next out an open window or a cracked door.|||Your husband is being very selfish and immature about this. He seems to think the world revolves around him and he is wrong in thinking this way. I don't know where you live so I don't know how cold it gets where you are.
I am a smoker, for 35 yrs now. For years and years we smoked inside the house. My kids and grandkids were always sick with colds, strep throat, ear infections. Doctor told me our smoking indoors is the cause of them being sick. Well back then I didn't believe it. SO it wasn't until last 2 yrs ago we had to rent a temporary house while ours was getting completed. Well we couldn't smoke indoors. I WAS amazed at how the grandkids QUIT being sick all the time!! No more colds, ear infections, strep, etc. If I hadn't witnessed it first hand, I would of never believed it.
NOW we SMOKE outside .. and suffer the heat and the cold (30's is usually as cold as it gets here in Florida). We wear our warm jackets and have a blanket in the chair to cover our legs with. To keep the kids healthy that is the LEAST we can do!! Be a little inconvenienced. This year I bought a little space heater to put near our feet. If I had a way to plastic the screen lania, I would, but I can't. I was even considering putting up our tent with a heater inside it to stay warm (wind gets wicked down here).
If he absolutely refuses to smoke outdoors is there a way you can afford one of those air room filtrations things?? Assign him one room to smoke in with one of those machines in there. He will also need to open a window too while smoking.
IF he cares anything at all for you and your children's health he will cooperate.
How can I get him to be more considerate of me And our children?
Please any tips would be great.|||Oh I may get bashed for this but so what.
Get a bottle, squirt kind, even buy a clean one from the market. Fill it with water.
Every time he lights up, if you're there, squirt him/it.
If he doesn't get the hint tell him you're going to Moms till he quits.
Cheryl|||I think you are being a little critical of a man you have vowed to love and cherish through sickness and in health. I have yet to find sufficient evidence to prove the side effects of second hand smoke, and would be very doubtful that your husband smoking in a bathroom that you are not even in would cause any adverse effects to you or your unborn child. Do your children smoke? Because if they did, it would surely be less of an annoyance to them if their father smoked.|||Ask your husband to go with you on your next doctor visit. Have the doctor explain to your husband the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on his unborn child. Then have her recommend or prescribe something to stop his smoking. If this doesn't work, I'd ask family if you and your children could stay with them until the baby is born. Hopefully, he'll take his smokes outside, cold or not cold. Millions of smoking Americans who work have to take their smoking breaks out of doors in bad winter weather. He can too.|||he has to open a window or get a air cleaner i can;t believe some one can do that and not consider other people in the house,
i would also get him stuff so he can quite smoking ,
in my house every time he lite up and i could smell it he had to put 75 cents into a kitty that money added up fast and he could see what he was doing to us
but chat with the him about how the doctors says it is bad for the kids not so much for him which it is but he has to think of the kids |||I had the same problem with my husband smoking in the car. A stubborn man will not change and he will find little ways to make you feel guilty about asking him to stop even if you both don't realize he's doing it. I would recomend never feeling guilty for asking to be healthy (especially for your baby!) and tell him to get his butt outside that second. Don't ask him, tell him. If he still refuses (which let's face it if he chose to smoke inside in the first place then your health isn't his top priority, I know mine isn't to the man I married despite what he says his actions speak way louder) But maybe compromise and stick a space heater in the garage. |||When it's children whose health is at stake, it's a stupid person who smokes around them and in the house. Not only does second hand smoke endanger them, but he should think of you and the baby you carry. I don't feel he's worth staying with, but it's up to you. He won't listen and anything you do to try and prevent the smoking won't work. He's hooked and likes it. |||I live with a chain smoker and I have asthma. He usually goes outside but he thinks it's ok to smoke in a room as long as I'm not in it. I've told him I can't stand it and he gets defensive. I've also told him I can't breathe. My Dr. even told him he is killing me. I figure if he won't stop he plain out doesn't give a *** so he must not care.|||Obviously he doesn't care about the health of his family.Does he not realize second hand smoke can kill you and your children? He needs a wake up call big time.Maybe you could let him read the answers you have gotten to your question and see if that makes him reconsider his actions.If he Truly loves his family he will stop smoking in the house.|||Call him at the dead of night, tell him you have something to discuss with him. Let him know the dangers of smoking and the effects it will have on the baby. If he is still not willing get your family doctor along with a close friend of his to speak with him on same. You can as well give him a gift of book that spoke on dangers of smoking e.g . With this i am sure he will see reasons with you.|||You can't. The way to get a husband to be considerate is to marry a considerate person to begin with. You can't make the leopard change his spots. I'm not sure why people think there's some magic way to make their partners change - there simply isn't. |||Tell him that if he lights up inside again, you will take the kids and leave. In the interest of their health (not to mention your own health and that of your unborn baby), that's what you must do. If he thinks you're bluffing and smokes again despite your warning, follow through.|||smoking causes so many respiratory illnesses. Get some information on it from your doctor and tell him it isn't a choice. Either smoke outside or move out. It may seem harsh to you but he is hurting you and the kids. |||You should have figured something like this would happen when you married him. Now you are stuck. Did you think he would change habits because he married you? Think again.
I grew up in a smokers home, and my sister and I grew up healthy normal kids. So don't freak out over nothing. |||When our kids were young and kept getting colds and ear infections the doctor asked me, do you smoke? I didn't but my husband did. As soon as I told him what the doctor said, he quit cold turkey. It's been like 25 years now.|||You take his money and all his cigarettes and throw the smokes in the trash and keep the money|||Tell him that just how he is slowly killing you with his cigarette smoke, you will slowly kill him by poisoning his food. Hey if he cannot respect your health and your life, why should you his?|||Tell him how trashy it is and tell him to smoke next out an open window or a cracked door.|||Your husband is being very selfish and immature about this. He seems to think the world revolves around him and he is wrong in thinking this way. I don't know where you live so I don't know how cold it gets where you are.
I am a smoker, for 35 yrs now. For years and years we smoked inside the house. My kids and grandkids were always sick with colds, strep throat, ear infections. Doctor told me our smoking indoors is the cause of them being sick. Well back then I didn't believe it. SO it wasn't until last 2 yrs ago we had to rent a temporary house while ours was getting completed. Well we couldn't smoke indoors. I WAS amazed at how the grandkids QUIT being sick all the time!! No more colds, ear infections, strep, etc. If I hadn't witnessed it first hand, I would of never believed it.
NOW we SMOKE outside .. and suffer the heat and the cold (30's is usually as cold as it gets here in Florida). We wear our warm jackets and have a blanket in the chair to cover our legs with. To keep the kids healthy that is the LEAST we can do!! Be a little inconvenienced. This year I bought a little space heater to put near our feet. If I had a way to plastic the screen lania, I would, but I can't. I was even considering putting up our tent with a heater inside it to stay warm (wind gets wicked down here).
If he absolutely refuses to smoke outdoors is there a way you can afford one of those air room filtrations things?? Assign him one room to smoke in with one of those machines in there. He will also need to open a window too while smoking.
IF he cares anything at all for you and your children's health he will cooperate.
How do I get my husband to help me with the house and kids?
I am a stay at home mother of two little ones. My husband has been laid off of work for four months now. He just sleeps in until noon and then lays around on the couch all day. I can't get him to help me with any of the house chores or the kids. I've asked him to help me several times but he just gets an attitude. How can I get him motivated to help me out?|||my wife says when you figure this out to call her!|||This problem is too tough for me, it would be easier to work on world peace.|||If he doesn't want to help around the house then start doing things just for yourself and your kids. Dont do his laundry, dont cook him dinner, nothing!!! He will figure it out real quick that he needs to get off his lazy @ss|||First get him some help for his depression.|||Sounds like he is feeling depressed and useless. It might help if you try to appeal to his bruised ego, getting him to do the manly jobs because you need his muscles. Try not to nag, he's feeling kicked and beaten by life and without his job he probably doesn't think he's good enough. Maybe you could encourage him to get work, help him look for jobs online, and so on, as that may be the answer to his worries and yours.|||At least he wants to have sex with you. other women have to worry that there husband don't want to have sex with them.Be thankful for what you have.|||Well if you haven't just sat down and talked with him frankly then I would do that first. If he still gets an attitude then ask him why he's getting an attitude. If he avoids answering then ask him what you could do to help him.|||Give him a taste of his own medicine. Do not clean up after him, do not do his laundry, do not do his dishes, etc.|||Just tell him to quit being lazy and help out or else he needs to get out of your house. Simple.|||I would suggest you sit him down and talk to him. He probably doesn't feel like a man since he has lost his job and it takes some of his manhood. I would let him know that even though he lost his job you love him just the same and let him know that you believe in him, and you know no matter what you guys will get through it. He might be depressed and just explain to him that you need his help, and your children are looking up to him. Shower him with love and remind him you guys will be together through thick and thin, but you have to help one another.|||I don't have much help for you, but you're not alone. He sounds just like my boyfriend. He works but not even 40 hours a week, and I used to be a server but the restaurant where I worked closed down so now I stay at home and babysit to make money. We don't have any kids yet but we have 8 pets, and let me tell you they make just as many messes as kids and having 8 it's really hard for me to keep up with cleaning the house, taking care of the pets and babysitting. My boyfriend stays up all night until 4 or 5am and I have to get up at 7 to babysit so we barely even sleep together! And he sleeps until like 20 minutes before he has to get to work so we rarely spend any time together. When I ask him to help me out he always says he will but of course he NEVER does. Lately I've been losing all hope in our relationship. I've even told him that, and he still doesn't care or do anything about it. I spend hours each day cooking and cleaning, and I feel like I get absolutely nothing in return. We're 24 and we've been together for almost 4 years, so I don't understand why he feels the need to act like a selfish child.|||Try asking in different ways before getting pissed. Maybe something like "Hey babe can you take out the trash real quick, it's full" you know, something that wouldn't make it seem like you're nagging him. Then if he is still being a d!ck head stand up to his a$$ and tell him that if he doesn't start helping around the house while he isn't doing sh!t else, you're going to stop doing it as well.|||Tough love, tell heim he helps while not working, or he gets a job..either way he cant be slacking.OR you go get a full time job and let him do what u have been doin for him all these years.
My husband and I are remodeling a house to sell. Should we put sheetrock up over the paneling?
The house is 1500 square feet, and it is up on pillars. I'm scared that if we just paint over the paneling, we won't make any money, and my husband is scared that if we spend money on sheetrock, we won't make any money. What should we do?|||You don't have to put up sheetrock on top of panelling. We paint over panelling ALL the time when staging a house to sell. There are just a few things you need to know about painting over panelling to make it look great. Here's how to go about it:
First, decide if you want to leave the texture lines in the panelling (if there are any). If you want to remove them to make the wall smooth (which will make it look like sheetrock once it's painted), then you need to fill in the texture lines with joint compound. If you aren't good at doing joints in sheetrock, you may want to hire someone to do this.
But, it's not necessary. If you decide to leave the texture lines in, here's how to paint the panelling:
1. Wash the walls with liquid TSP. Use the liquid instead of the powder form because it isn't toxic, is easier to mix and doesn't need to be rinsed after. Let the walls dry completely.
2. Apply an oil-based primer on the entire surface. You need to use oil-based and not latex as latex will peel off or scrape off too easily. I suggest Bull's Eye 1-2-3 or Kilz. It has the best coverage.
3. Once you have primed, you may use any kind of paint, including latex. Paint the walls with 2 coats of good quality paint. And that's it!
I highly suggest you use a neutral color of paint if you want to sell the home. Basically, when staging a home for sale, you want to appeal to the largest amount of potential buyers so the home sells quickly. A very nice warm taupe beige is good. Stay away from any freaky colors.
I read here where someone told you to list the home as is. That is never a good idea... Keep in mind that if you list the home as is and don't sell it, even if you paint after, the home will still be on the market and will become stigmatized.... people will wonder what's wrong with the home since it's not selling. Perhpas you could find yourself a good home stager in your area who can help you or give you a detailed list of what to do to sell the home. And keep in mind that the cost of staging a home to sell is VERY OFTEN less expensive than taking a first price reduction in selling price (a 1st price reduction is NEVER lower than five thousand dollars!) I can easily stage a 3 bedroom home for under two thousand! And my staged homes rarely stay on the market more than 14 days!
Good luck selling your home!|||isn't there sheetrock underneath the paneling? you don't put sheet rock over paneling. what does your realtor say about sprucing up your house to sell?|||My Fiance is a Painting Contractor and last week a Woman had him paint her Dark Paneling in a Den and Dining room. He Painted it an Eggshell White and it made the Paneling look so much nicer and the room Larger. Go with Painting it a Pretty Light Color, you will not be disappointed and its cheaper to do.|||Of all the home improvement (sell this house) shows I have seen, they mostly paint over the paneling. Because it is cheap and looks better then the paneling. Sometimes the panels are the wall itself and there is no sheet rock under them, especially in older homes. I would not sheet rock over the panels.
I have seen where they fill in the seams between the panels and then prime and paint. That is a good alternative for the both of you. You would hardly tell that it is paneling.
That would be the best cheapest way and still looks good.|||Approach the job as if you were the ones buying the house and were going to live there. When you sell, don't settle for any offers hat will cause you to lose money. Know what your bottom line is before you put it up for sale.|||List it as is. Let the new owner decide. If it doesn't show well, then paint, it's the next cheapest thing. If done well, the return on investment is much greater the the cost of drywalling
First, decide if you want to leave the texture lines in the panelling (if there are any). If you want to remove them to make the wall smooth (which will make it look like sheetrock once it's painted), then you need to fill in the texture lines with joint compound. If you aren't good at doing joints in sheetrock, you may want to hire someone to do this.
But, it's not necessary. If you decide to leave the texture lines in, here's how to paint the panelling:
1. Wash the walls with liquid TSP. Use the liquid instead of the powder form because it isn't toxic, is easier to mix and doesn't need to be rinsed after. Let the walls dry completely.
2. Apply an oil-based primer on the entire surface. You need to use oil-based and not latex as latex will peel off or scrape off too easily. I suggest Bull's Eye 1-2-3 or Kilz. It has the best coverage.
3. Once you have primed, you may use any kind of paint, including latex. Paint the walls with 2 coats of good quality paint. And that's it!
I highly suggest you use a neutral color of paint if you want to sell the home. Basically, when staging a home for sale, you want to appeal to the largest amount of potential buyers so the home sells quickly. A very nice warm taupe beige is good. Stay away from any freaky colors.
I read here where someone told you to list the home as is. That is never a good idea... Keep in mind that if you list the home as is and don't sell it, even if you paint after, the home will still be on the market and will become stigmatized.... people will wonder what's wrong with the home since it's not selling. Perhpas you could find yourself a good home stager in your area who can help you or give you a detailed list of what to do to sell the home. And keep in mind that the cost of staging a home to sell is VERY OFTEN less expensive than taking a first price reduction in selling price (a 1st price reduction is NEVER lower than five thousand dollars!) I can easily stage a 3 bedroom home for under two thousand! And my staged homes rarely stay on the market more than 14 days!
Good luck selling your home!|||isn't there sheetrock underneath the paneling? you don't put sheet rock over paneling. what does your realtor say about sprucing up your house to sell?|||My Fiance is a Painting Contractor and last week a Woman had him paint her Dark Paneling in a Den and Dining room. He Painted it an Eggshell White and it made the Paneling look so much nicer and the room Larger. Go with Painting it a Pretty Light Color, you will not be disappointed and its cheaper to do.|||Of all the home improvement (sell this house) shows I have seen, they mostly paint over the paneling. Because it is cheap and looks better then the paneling. Sometimes the panels are the wall itself and there is no sheet rock under them, especially in older homes. I would not sheet rock over the panels.
I have seen where they fill in the seams between the panels and then prime and paint. That is a good alternative for the both of you. You would hardly tell that it is paneling.
That would be the best cheapest way and still looks good.|||Approach the job as if you were the ones buying the house and were going to live there. When you sell, don't settle for any offers hat will cause you to lose money. Know what your bottom line is before you put it up for sale.|||List it as is. Let the new owner decide. If it doesn't show well, then paint, it's the next cheapest thing. If done well, the return on investment is much greater the the cost of drywalling
I have been a house husband for 15 years am i entitled to any benefits?
Yes you are entitled to go out and get your own job now!
Why would you need benefits? I'm assuming you stayed home because your wife was the higher earner.
It's not different than if the woman was the live off your hubby|||benefits?yeah...go get a job or perhaps two....|||Sweet, where do I find a wife like yours? You're entitled to the same as a housewife, I can't remember what but its very little, might just be your national insurance contributions. Contact your local jobcentre (they do more than just hand out cash to dole scum) and they will tell you all the benefits you can claim.|||That will depend on how much your wife earns and how many hours a week she works. If she works full time, you won't be entitled to anything more then you are probably already getting. Child benefit and child tax credits. Jobseekers allowance takes into consideration your overall household income not just your personal income or lack of. If your wife works more then 24 hours a week you won't be entitled to jobseekers either.|||In your own right, you are not entitled to any benefits, however if the combined income for you %26amp; your wife is low, you might be able to claim income support %26amp;/or housing benefit.|||You're almost certainly entitled to benefits, consult with the Jobcentre or use this link:
Why would you need benefits? I'm assuming you stayed home because your wife was the higher earner.
It's not different than if the woman was the live off your hubby|||benefits?yeah...go get a job or perhaps two....|||Sweet, where do I find a wife like yours? You're entitled to the same as a housewife, I can't remember what but its very little, might just be your national insurance contributions. Contact your local jobcentre (they do more than just hand out cash to dole scum) and they will tell you all the benefits you can claim.|||That will depend on how much your wife earns and how many hours a week she works. If she works full time, you won't be entitled to anything more then you are probably already getting. Child benefit and child tax credits. Jobseekers allowance takes into consideration your overall household income not just your personal income or lack of. If your wife works more then 24 hours a week you won't be entitled to jobseekers either.|||In your own right, you are not entitled to any benefits, however if the combined income for you %26amp; your wife is low, you might be able to claim income support %26amp;/or housing benefit.|||You're almost certainly entitled to benefits, consult with the Jobcentre or use this link:
Can Neptune in 7th house can give a cheating husband?
I have Sagittarius and Neptune in my 7th house. Please describe who would be my lifetime partner.
I'd read that Neptune have bad effects in house of marriage. Is it true? Will I have a cheating husband?
Would marry a foreigner according with my Sagittarius in 7th house?
I hope for your answers. Thanks and Godbless you!!
Jermane|||Neptune/Descendant see herself as the heroine of her life, which she regards as a movie or fairy tale,
defining herself through dramatic events. It is very hard for her to see herself clearly or perceive what it
is she truly means to others. Particularly in youth, the ordinary roles of child, student, mate, etc. are
dull to the Neptune/Descendant native. She will seek to spice them up with other considerations and, as a result, makes her life (and the lives of her friends, family and lovers) chaotic. She's attracted
exclusively to those who inspire her romantic fantasies and is rarely practical about her relationships,
preferring the excitement of fantasy to more pragmatic concerns. Her romantic cravings often involve
her in peculiar emotional and/or sexual situations from which she may find it very hard to extricate
Summary: Neptune will make you neglect your responsibilities in a relationship and oversee the give and take flow in which case your partner may start swerving....Blessings There is much more in my source including some discussions on this...|||You know, you don't need to worry because the 7th house or Neptune doesn't show the personality of your partner, instead it shows the idealistic view of yours about marriage and partnership, do not seek the perfect personalities or relationship, that's an illusion. if you use the energy of your Neptune in a right way, your marriage life will be full of roses and joy. And you are right your partner may be the foreigner, or might have different religion, or culture. ( It's not necessary foreigner )|||Neptune in the 7th could indicate a cheating husband. It tells you that you have an unrealistic vision of your partner; he could be a cheater but you don't recognize it, preferring to see only the best of him. Or it could show you to need help judging the character of those in close relationship with you. Not necessarily a cheater but just someone you don't see clearly.|||Chances are that a bad relationship and a sexy receptionist would be more likely to cause your (future) spouse to cheat on you.
God bless"? You do realize that the Christian bible orders the death of fortune tellers, right? Since it's considered witchcraft?
I'd read that Neptune have bad effects in house of marriage. Is it true? Will I have a cheating husband?
Would marry a foreigner according with my Sagittarius in 7th house?
I hope for your answers. Thanks and Godbless you!!
Jermane|||Neptune/Descendant see herself as the heroine of her life, which she regards as a movie or fairy tale,
defining herself through dramatic events. It is very hard for her to see herself clearly or perceive what it
is she truly means to others. Particularly in youth, the ordinary roles of child, student, mate, etc. are
dull to the Neptune/Descendant native. She will seek to spice them up with other considerations and, as a result, makes her life (and the lives of her friends, family and lovers) chaotic. She's attracted
exclusively to those who inspire her romantic fantasies and is rarely practical about her relationships,
preferring the excitement of fantasy to more pragmatic concerns. Her romantic cravings often involve
her in peculiar emotional and/or sexual situations from which she may find it very hard to extricate
Summary: Neptune will make you neglect your responsibilities in a relationship and oversee the give and take flow in which case your partner may start swerving....Blessings There is much more in my source including some discussions on this...|||You know, you don't need to worry because the 7th house or Neptune doesn't show the personality of your partner, instead it shows the idealistic view of yours about marriage and partnership, do not seek the perfect personalities or relationship, that's an illusion. if you use the energy of your Neptune in a right way, your marriage life will be full of roses and joy. And you are right your partner may be the foreigner, or might have different religion, or culture. ( It's not necessary foreigner )|||Neptune in the 7th could indicate a cheating husband. It tells you that you have an unrealistic vision of your partner; he could be a cheater but you don't recognize it, preferring to see only the best of him. Or it could show you to need help judging the character of those in close relationship with you. Not necessarily a cheater but just someone you don't see clearly.|||Chances are that a bad relationship and a sexy receptionist would be more likely to cause your (future) spouse to cheat on you.
God bless"? You do realize that the Christian bible orders the death of fortune tellers, right? Since it's considered witchcraft?
How do you share house chores between you and your husband/wife?
How do you share house chores between you and your husband/wife, if both of you work foul time?
Please say in % of time roughly, in house chores like cooking, dish washing, ironing, mopping, laundry, dusting, car maintenance, gardening etc.|||Im the wife....We both work full time, so we share chores often. I dont like him doing the dishes or laundry tho cuz he isnt good at it. But here's a break down:
Dishes: I do 90%
Laundry: I do 80%
Vacuuming: He does 80%
Pick up: 50/50
Mopping: I do 100%
Tub: I do 100%
Kids' homework: He does 95%
Cooking: 50/50
Kids baths: 50/50
Car washes: He does 95%
Lawn care: 50/50
Errands: I do 70%
We are pretty fair bout chores n responsibilities. When I wasnt working, i did all the cleaning n cooking myself!|||Thanx!
|||With my husband and I, we both like the house clean, we both work full time, and we both don't mind doing stuff. Basically, if something needs to be done, whichever one of us is there will do it. It has settled into a pattern pretty much of me cooking and doing laundry and keeping things generally tidy, and he washes the dishes and does a lot of the other real cleaning that I can't do as much because I have herniated discs in my neck, like vacuuming.|||How do you share house chores between you and your husband/wife, if both of you work foul time?
-We both work full time, though I am sure some days the hours qualify as being foul. We split them basically down the middle because we both work more than 45 hours a week.
cooking,- I do most of. Because I like to.
dish washing,- I do all the time
ironing, -He is the only one who irons
mopping, - We split this one, whomever happens to be cleaning a room that needs mopping does it.
laundry, - He does 100%
dusting, - Again, whomever is cleaning that room does it.
car maintenance, - He does
gardening – I do, because I like to. My garden is a hobby of mine, we have 7 acres and fruit trees/veggies. No lawn to mow though.
The rest of the chores- We split. As in “I’ll clean up the kitchen, you do the living/dining rooms”. Plus our son has chores.|||I like my house being the way I want it to be. Because of this I do more chores, the split is about 70/30.
My husband focuses on entertaining my daughter/his stepdaughter and making sure she does not mess the house up behind me while I am in full blown house cleaning or cooking mode.
My husband does the dishes (we have a dishwasher) cleans the living room, takes out garbage, cuts the grass and weed-eats except around my flower gardens which I tend myself. He also helps me for an hour or two with deep-cleaning on the weekend.|||Well, 50/50
Basically, she does all the indoors stiff and I do all the outdoor stuff. With only a little cross over.
Cooking-she does 55% of the cooking. I can't cook, but do cook outs, salad nights, or sandwich nights. Also my 'half' of the cooking is eating out as I find the deals and coupons to do so.
Dishes-we wash what we use, mostly. I only ever use three dishes(one cup, plate and bowl) and they are washed a second or so after I use them. She washes all the dishes she used to cook.
Iron-I do my own she does her own
mopping-as in indoor task, she does this one 100%
laundry-her task 100%
dusting-her task 100%
car maintenance-me 100%
Gardening-It's her hobby so she does it, but I do the lawn/outdoor maintenance|||I am much more of a neat freak than my partner, so I do more of the house cleaning (dishes, laundry, dusting, vacuuming) but he cleans the bathrooms, takes out the garbage and handles the cats' litter box. He's not really lazy or anything, I am just more obsessive about it so I willingly do more because I like my living space to always look a certain way.|||work FOUL time? why do u need to work foul time? lol.
anywho i clean 100% he cooks 90% (i cook sometimes too). we have dish washing and washing machine so come on, dude, how effing hard to punch a button? i do not count dish washing or laundry. we have NEW cars, so they do not need maintenance. if they ever would need any we would give them to a shop where it would be fixed by professionals. children do ironing and i do gardening during weekends. we both work FULL time and attend gym after work i every day and he almost every day.|||I say we are about 60/40 with me doing just a bit more...
He cooks, I do dishes...
He washed/drys clothes, I fold/hang and put away...
He vacuums, I wash floors...
I tend to do more of the picking up and putting away as he works more than I do. I make sure the vehicles get maintained and the yard taken care of.|||i cook and do the dishes and laundry and mop the floor and vacuum she is lazy and i work and she dont messed up situation|||i tend to do everything inside, but if i ask for help, he doesn't complain. we pay someone to do the yard.|||It's 50/50 with my wife and I .. I spend 50% of the time getting it dirty, and she spends 50% of the time cleaning it.
Please say in % of time roughly, in house chores like cooking, dish washing, ironing, mopping, laundry, dusting, car maintenance, gardening etc.|||Im the wife....We both work full time, so we share chores often. I dont like him doing the dishes or laundry tho cuz he isnt good at it. But here's a break down:
Dishes: I do 90%
Laundry: I do 80%
Vacuuming: He does 80%
Pick up: 50/50
Mopping: I do 100%
Tub: I do 100%
Kids' homework: He does 95%
Cooking: 50/50
Kids baths: 50/50
Car washes: He does 95%
Lawn care: 50/50
Errands: I do 70%
We are pretty fair bout chores n responsibilities. When I wasnt working, i did all the cleaning n cooking myself!|||Thanx!
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|||With my husband and I, we both like the house clean, we both work full time, and we both don't mind doing stuff. Basically, if something needs to be done, whichever one of us is there will do it. It has settled into a pattern pretty much of me cooking and doing laundry and keeping things generally tidy, and he washes the dishes and does a lot of the other real cleaning that I can't do as much because I have herniated discs in my neck, like vacuuming.|||How do you share house chores between you and your husband/wife, if both of you work foul time?
-We both work full time, though I am sure some days the hours qualify as being foul. We split them basically down the middle because we both work more than 45 hours a week.
cooking,- I do most of. Because I like to.
dish washing,- I do all the time
ironing, -He is the only one who irons
mopping, - We split this one, whomever happens to be cleaning a room that needs mopping does it.
laundry, - He does 100%
dusting, - Again, whomever is cleaning that room does it.
car maintenance, - He does
gardening – I do, because I like to. My garden is a hobby of mine, we have 7 acres and fruit trees/veggies. No lawn to mow though.
The rest of the chores- We split. As in “I’ll clean up the kitchen, you do the living/dining rooms”. Plus our son has chores.|||I like my house being the way I want it to be. Because of this I do more chores, the split is about 70/30.
My husband focuses on entertaining my daughter/his stepdaughter and making sure she does not mess the house up behind me while I am in full blown house cleaning or cooking mode.
My husband does the dishes (we have a dishwasher) cleans the living room, takes out garbage, cuts the grass and weed-eats except around my flower gardens which I tend myself. He also helps me for an hour or two with deep-cleaning on the weekend.|||Well, 50/50
Basically, she does all the indoors stiff and I do all the outdoor stuff. With only a little cross over.
Cooking-she does 55% of the cooking. I can't cook, but do cook outs, salad nights, or sandwich nights. Also my 'half' of the cooking is eating out as I find the deals and coupons to do so.
Dishes-we wash what we use, mostly. I only ever use three dishes(one cup, plate and bowl) and they are washed a second or so after I use them. She washes all the dishes she used to cook.
Iron-I do my own she does her own
mopping-as in indoor task, she does this one 100%
laundry-her task 100%
dusting-her task 100%
car maintenance-me 100%
Gardening-It's her hobby so she does it, but I do the lawn/outdoor maintenance|||I am much more of a neat freak than my partner, so I do more of the house cleaning (dishes, laundry, dusting, vacuuming) but he cleans the bathrooms, takes out the garbage and handles the cats' litter box. He's not really lazy or anything, I am just more obsessive about it so I willingly do more because I like my living space to always look a certain way.|||work FOUL time? why do u need to work foul time? lol.
anywho i clean 100% he cooks 90% (i cook sometimes too). we have dish washing and washing machine so come on, dude, how effing hard to punch a button? i do not count dish washing or laundry. we have NEW cars, so they do not need maintenance. if they ever would need any we would give them to a shop where it would be fixed by professionals. children do ironing and i do gardening during weekends. we both work FULL time and attend gym after work i every day and he almost every day.|||I say we are about 60/40 with me doing just a bit more...
He cooks, I do dishes...
He washed/drys clothes, I fold/hang and put away...
He vacuums, I wash floors...
I tend to do more of the picking up and putting away as he works more than I do. I make sure the vehicles get maintained and the yard taken care of.|||i cook and do the dishes and laundry and mop the floor and vacuum she is lazy and i work and she dont messed up situation|||i tend to do everything inside, but if i ask for help, he doesn't complain. we pay someone to do the yard.|||It's 50/50 with my wife and I .. I spend 50% of the time getting it dirty, and she spends 50% of the time cleaning it.
SAHM: What does your working husband do to help you out around the house?
If your a stay at home mom, and your husband works, what chores does he do to help you out around the house?
Just curious how other house-hold's run.
My husband mowe's the lawn, take out the trash (when he remembers,) and that is basically it LOL.|||I am mostly a work at home mom, I go to work like 5 hours a week. But daddy does the dishes, trash, lawn, snow and leaf removal, and vacuumms basement once a week. Everything else I do, but he would help if I needed it. Most other things I would rather do myself, so that I know they are done right. |||My husband is so, so helpful - he cleans the kitchen and does all the dinner dishes after dinner. He does the trash, lawn, all outside work.
I am a stay at home mom that also does home daycare and works a job at night.
He is an amazing husband that does whatever he can to help me but I also do everything I can to make sure he doesn't have to do a lot. |||my husband does yard work ,the trash, and the garage. also one day a week he lets me sleep in and makes breakfast and dinner sometimes. He isn't always around a lot due to being in the military but he helps a lot when he is here. also when he goes away for awhile he asks some of his friends to come over and mow the lawn and stuff. But i try to do most of the housework with the kids because he goes to work all day i think of running the house as my job.|||I know how fortunate I am to have such a supportive %26amp; HELPFUL hubby! My husband will do pretty much anything I ask of him. He likes the house neat %26amp; knows sometimes I am busy so if I fall behind he helps out. He will usually put the girls down one night/week and get up with them one weekend day so I can sleep. He takes our daughter to school once a week and makes dinner on the weekends. He will help fold laundry if I need it and he will do the dishes when I ask. He also bathes the girls once a week. In addtion to all this he mows the lawn and does house maintenance. I help him with outside jobs (sweeping, raking leaves, weeding) just like he helps me. He doesn't like to mop or clean the bathrooms but will if I need his help. We are a team and work together to get things done.|||i am a sahm,,and my husband is in the military so right now he isnt doing anything (here at home in way of chores) as he is deployed. when he is home he will do anything i ask. he has done laundry, dishes, trash, yard work, sweeping, helps make the bed etc. i am VERY lucky to have such a wonderful husband. usually i do most of the work as he usually works midnights and is in bed. i dont mind and usually enjoy doing it. there are times when i need help and i just have to ask.|||Right now - nothing.
We are building a new house which happens to be right in front of where we are currently living - a house trailer. So he gets home at 5:00. Plays with Emma while I make or finish making supper. We all eat and he goes outside to work on the house.
Normally - he takes out the trash, he mows the lawn, he will occassionally clean up supper or put the dishes away. Mainly he takes care of the outside (we live on a farm) and I take care of the inside. Neither one of us are lazy types of ppl and if he sat around watching me do everything when he got home from work, things would not sit well in our house.... :)|||you are lucky he does that much
many new husbands are so stressed that they think the wife should do it all
Your job is to run the house his job is to make the money
I know you are tired but he is doing his part you do yours
I will have you know that I had a totally active 4 year old and was 9 months pregnant mowing the lawn when I went into labor
my husband does the man stuff as he calls it he will repair the car and broken things around the house and does the yard work most of the time but he is usually to tired to take out the trash or change a diaper
It will get better when the kids are older
now all the kids are grown up with kids of there own and we both work out of the home and I make almost as much money as he does
he will load the dishwasher clean the bathroom and take out the trash without being asked so it will get better trust me.|||Mowing the lawn is pretty much the only thing he'll do on his own, but he'll do other chores if I ask him to. He does the dishes a few times a week and will fold and put away laundry. Mostly, he usually just entertains the kids by taking them to the park or something so I can get some serious cleaning done, which I prefer anyway.|||Just so you won't feel alone, mine basically help kids with homework when I ask him to. Takes out trash when I ask him, he don't remember when the garbage truck come. Sometimes when the kids ask him for breakfast, he'll take the bowl out for them. That's it. No lawn, he rather pay someone to do that, he said he's alergic to grass, and pollen (yeah right). |||seems i'm extreemly nieve about my hubby. i've been put on bed rest and almost had a coronary when i found him doing the dishes and putting on the washing. i didn't think he knew how to work the washing machine. He has always cooked for us though as he used to be a chef and it is easier to let him cook than for me to cook and have it critisized for not adding this ingredient or not enough of something. He had to take a week off last week as i've been not well and we have 2 other children who needed him home to care for them. they're still alive so he must have done the right thing. lol. After 11 years i'm still learning his capabilities as a husband and dad.|||In addition to all the "man" jobs like trash %26amp; the lawn my husband will take over watching our 4 month old for a couple of hours a day because there are some thing you just can't take care of with an infant around. If I'm stressed out he will pretty muck take over because he knows I only ask for help when I really need it. I take care of the laundry %26amp; heavy cleaning but I ask all the members of my household to put things back where they belong, this makes things run a lot smoother.|||Wow, after reading these answers I sure appreciate my husband a lot more!
When he's home, he washes and prepares his own uniform (he's a firefighter). He will put laundry on if the hampers are full. He empties the dishwasher (I hate this job!) and he bathes the kids. He takes out the garbage, he looks after the yard and the pool. He also looks after the snow in the driveway (except if he's at work and it's storming). He helps to prepare meals and he helps to clean up. He takes our boys to the school bus and he picks them up. He will do the shopping if I am too busy. Basically if it needs to be done, he'll do it. We both know what needs to be done and we just do it. We realize that if it gets done, we might have some time to spend together.|||Well, when I was pregnant my husband would take out the cat litter, do laundry (I still yell at him for doing laundry because, he don't wash them the right way. whites with whites and dark with darks.), ummmm he fed the dogs and cats and me, lol, he did a lot of chores around the house, I just told him I want to do the dishes. So they actually get done! lol|||I am a husband and I do yard work. And I help out with house work when my wife gets stressed out. Which is more often than not. I help cook and do dishes. I also do bath time with my daughter and usually do story time at night also. trash is also a daddy chore. |||The only thing he does around the house is make another mess for me to clean up! HE has a hunting pack of dogs, and it is HIS job to care for them all. I step up to the plate when he is out of town hunting.
Other than that, the only things he does are for HIM, and NOBODY else! |||Mine mow's the lawn, takes out the trash, changes the cat box, and does the dishes. I do about 90% of the child care, he changes the occasional diaper but that's about it.|||He mows the lawn after he gets tired of me nagging him about it. When the lightbulbs in the cathedral ceiling blow out he gets the ladder out and changes those lightbulbs.
Thats about it.
|||Nothing!|||absolutely nothing...ugh
Just curious how other house-hold's run.
My husband mowe's the lawn, take out the trash (when he remembers,) and that is basically it LOL.|||I am mostly a work at home mom, I go to work like 5 hours a week. But daddy does the dishes, trash, lawn, snow and leaf removal, and vacuumms basement once a week. Everything else I do, but he would help if I needed it. Most other things I would rather do myself, so that I know they are done right. |||My husband is so, so helpful - he cleans the kitchen and does all the dinner dishes after dinner. He does the trash, lawn, all outside work.
I am a stay at home mom that also does home daycare and works a job at night.
He is an amazing husband that does whatever he can to help me but I also do everything I can to make sure he doesn't have to do a lot. |||my husband does yard work ,the trash, and the garage. also one day a week he lets me sleep in and makes breakfast and dinner sometimes. He isn't always around a lot due to being in the military but he helps a lot when he is here. also when he goes away for awhile he asks some of his friends to come over and mow the lawn and stuff. But i try to do most of the housework with the kids because he goes to work all day i think of running the house as my job.|||I know how fortunate I am to have such a supportive %26amp; HELPFUL hubby! My husband will do pretty much anything I ask of him. He likes the house neat %26amp; knows sometimes I am busy so if I fall behind he helps out. He will usually put the girls down one night/week and get up with them one weekend day so I can sleep. He takes our daughter to school once a week and makes dinner on the weekends. He will help fold laundry if I need it and he will do the dishes when I ask. He also bathes the girls once a week. In addtion to all this he mows the lawn and does house maintenance. I help him with outside jobs (sweeping, raking leaves, weeding) just like he helps me. He doesn't like to mop or clean the bathrooms but will if I need his help. We are a team and work together to get things done.|||i am a sahm,,and my husband is in the military so right now he isnt doing anything (here at home in way of chores) as he is deployed. when he is home he will do anything i ask. he has done laundry, dishes, trash, yard work, sweeping, helps make the bed etc. i am VERY lucky to have such a wonderful husband. usually i do most of the work as he usually works midnights and is in bed. i dont mind and usually enjoy doing it. there are times when i need help and i just have to ask.|||Right now - nothing.
We are building a new house which happens to be right in front of where we are currently living - a house trailer. So he gets home at 5:00. Plays with Emma while I make or finish making supper. We all eat and he goes outside to work on the house.
Normally - he takes out the trash, he mows the lawn, he will occassionally clean up supper or put the dishes away. Mainly he takes care of the outside (we live on a farm) and I take care of the inside. Neither one of us are lazy types of ppl and if he sat around watching me do everything when he got home from work, things would not sit well in our house.... :)|||you are lucky he does that much
many new husbands are so stressed that they think the wife should do it all
Your job is to run the house his job is to make the money
I know you are tired but he is doing his part you do yours
I will have you know that I had a totally active 4 year old and was 9 months pregnant mowing the lawn when I went into labor
my husband does the man stuff as he calls it he will repair the car and broken things around the house and does the yard work most of the time but he is usually to tired to take out the trash or change a diaper
It will get better when the kids are older
now all the kids are grown up with kids of there own and we both work out of the home and I make almost as much money as he does
he will load the dishwasher clean the bathroom and take out the trash without being asked so it will get better trust me.|||Mowing the lawn is pretty much the only thing he'll do on his own, but he'll do other chores if I ask him to. He does the dishes a few times a week and will fold and put away laundry. Mostly, he usually just entertains the kids by taking them to the park or something so I can get some serious cleaning done, which I prefer anyway.|||Just so you won't feel alone, mine basically help kids with homework when I ask him to. Takes out trash when I ask him, he don't remember when the garbage truck come. Sometimes when the kids ask him for breakfast, he'll take the bowl out for them. That's it. No lawn, he rather pay someone to do that, he said he's alergic to grass, and pollen (yeah right). |||seems i'm extreemly nieve about my hubby. i've been put on bed rest and almost had a coronary when i found him doing the dishes and putting on the washing. i didn't think he knew how to work the washing machine. He has always cooked for us though as he used to be a chef and it is easier to let him cook than for me to cook and have it critisized for not adding this ingredient or not enough of something. He had to take a week off last week as i've been not well and we have 2 other children who needed him home to care for them. they're still alive so he must have done the right thing. lol. After 11 years i'm still learning his capabilities as a husband and dad.|||In addition to all the "man" jobs like trash %26amp; the lawn my husband will take over watching our 4 month old for a couple of hours a day because there are some thing you just can't take care of with an infant around. If I'm stressed out he will pretty muck take over because he knows I only ask for help when I really need it. I take care of the laundry %26amp; heavy cleaning but I ask all the members of my household to put things back where they belong, this makes things run a lot smoother.|||Wow, after reading these answers I sure appreciate my husband a lot more!
When he's home, he washes and prepares his own uniform (he's a firefighter). He will put laundry on if the hampers are full. He empties the dishwasher (I hate this job!) and he bathes the kids. He takes out the garbage, he looks after the yard and the pool. He also looks after the snow in the driveway (except if he's at work and it's storming). He helps to prepare meals and he helps to clean up. He takes our boys to the school bus and he picks them up. He will do the shopping if I am too busy. Basically if it needs to be done, he'll do it. We both know what needs to be done and we just do it. We realize that if it gets done, we might have some time to spend together.|||Well, when I was pregnant my husband would take out the cat litter, do laundry (I still yell at him for doing laundry because, he don't wash them the right way. whites with whites and dark with darks.), ummmm he fed the dogs and cats and me, lol, he did a lot of chores around the house, I just told him I want to do the dishes. So they actually get done! lol|||I am a husband and I do yard work. And I help out with house work when my wife gets stressed out. Which is more often than not. I help cook and do dishes. I also do bath time with my daughter and usually do story time at night also. trash is also a daddy chore. |||The only thing he does around the house is make another mess for me to clean up! HE has a hunting pack of dogs, and it is HIS job to care for them all. I step up to the plate when he is out of town hunting.
Other than that, the only things he does are for HIM, and NOBODY else! |||Mine mow's the lawn, takes out the trash, changes the cat box, and does the dishes. I do about 90% of the child care, he changes the occasional diaper but that's about it.|||He mows the lawn after he gets tired of me nagging him about it. When the lightbulbs in the cathedral ceiling blow out he gets the ladder out and changes those lightbulbs.
Thats about it.
|||Nothing!|||absolutely nothing...ugh
Can I legally kick my husband out of my house?
if my husband isn't paying me any money for any bills and the house is in my name can I legally kick him out in minnesota? do I have to give him notice?|||you could kick him out without notice if its in your name,
but if hes been paying for the house and stuff,
i think you need to give him fair notice.|||NO, you cannot not. Whether or not his name is on the deed is irrelevant. If he has resided there for more than 30 days, it's now considered his legal residence and you cannot remove him from the home. You'd have to legally remove him through the courts, but that, I think, would be a waste of money. Keep track of ALL bills YOU are paying (make check copies!!), so when you divorce him (as it sounds that you are planning to do), you can go after him for that money at the divorce hearing!|||better to inform him first, and are you sure that is a good enough reason to do so? Talk to him first about his responsibility of paying the bills, if he doesn't, kick him out of the house then? Also, check if its allowed.|||I think that if you're married, it's conjugal property, legally. So i think whether he gives you money or not he is entitled to half of the property. Why don't you just give him notice as respect to him as well.|||Well you are married to him so unless u have a court order, he has the right to be in the house weather it's in your name or not.|||See what your laws are. Every state the laws are different but where I live as long as the person's receiving mail at my residence. . . legally I can't kick them out. Good Luck!|||Kick him out! It's a domestic dispute and they don't need any notice. Be strong though and stick to it.|||just change the locks the next time he leaves the house... and dump his stuff in the street...|||if he is not contributing yes but see further advice.
but if hes been paying for the house and stuff,
i think you need to give him fair notice.|||NO, you cannot not. Whether or not his name is on the deed is irrelevant. If he has resided there for more than 30 days, it's now considered his legal residence and you cannot remove him from the home. You'd have to legally remove him through the courts, but that, I think, would be a waste of money. Keep track of ALL bills YOU are paying (make check copies!!), so when you divorce him (as it sounds that you are planning to do), you can go after him for that money at the divorce hearing!|||better to inform him first, and are you sure that is a good enough reason to do so? Talk to him first about his responsibility of paying the bills, if he doesn't, kick him out of the house then? Also, check if its allowed.|||I think that if you're married, it's conjugal property, legally. So i think whether he gives you money or not he is entitled to half of the property. Why don't you just give him notice as respect to him as well.|||Well you are married to him so unless u have a court order, he has the right to be in the house weather it's in your name or not.|||See what your laws are. Every state the laws are different but where I live as long as the person's receiving mail at my residence. . . legally I can't kick them out. Good Luck!|||Kick him out! It's a domestic dispute and they don't need any notice. Be strong though and stick to it.|||just change the locks the next time he leaves the house... and dump his stuff in the street...|||if he is not contributing yes but see further advice.
My husband is a truck dirver and we are about to buy a house. now he wants to buy a truck too?
my husband and I are about to buy a house. however my husband wants to buy a truck at the same time. i am afraid we cannot do both since his credit is so bad. he is a truck driver and he gets paid well but i don't know what is gonna happen is if gets a truck payment and the house payment too.|||I am a mortgage consultant and see this type of thing happen ALL the time. DO NOT BUY ANY BIG PURCHASE IF you want to get into a home if your credit is poor..... meet with a consulant and begin to devise a "mortgage ready" may take 3 months or 6 months, but you need to plan and begin to repair your credit for any chance of buying a home... buying a major purchase such as a truck my not be a good thing right now....|||From an outsiders point of view it seems that buying the house first and getting things a little stable and then buying the truck is the route to go. However owning a truck is probably your husband's dream, so is not something that is dimissed or deferred lightly.
It really is a decision that needs to be made by the both of you.
I disagree with the poster who says that the house is better because it is an investment. Solely as an investment the truck is better, even though it loses value, it makes money whenever it is driven. In the recent real estate markets a house will take a while before the savings over renting are that much of a return on your investment.|||He's right. The interest will be less if the loan covers more. It's the insurance thats going to hurt.
Your problem is going to be in getting the loan with bad credit. It probably will be refused.|||I'd buy the house first so the truck loan doesn't show up on the credit report. Then, I'd get the truck. Plenty of truck dealers will get you into a truck with very little or nothing down. A trucking company will get you into a truck with little down if you lease with them. As long as he keeps the truck running, he should make enough money to cover everything.|||You are not going to buy a house (Or a Truck) with Bad Credit.|||If your credit is bad, don't worry about buying both, you won't be able to.|||Tell him that the house is most important because it's an investment that will make money.|||If I was you I would let him do his way cuz at the end of the day he is your husband. Don't listen to what people say in here Yahoo answers. I mean My uncle is a truck driver and he was working for someone else, then one say he bought a truck and guess what now he doesn't drive anymore. He hire couple people to drive for him. So I would say buying a truck is more importand then buying a house. who pays the rent I would think ur husband? right? am I correct? so pls let him be the man and u be the women. and I don't mean this as shut up and Cook but sometime as a man we need to be the next level. We can't always be working for someone else.
Get it? I hope this help u, and again pls just trust ur husband and ur self.
It really is a decision that needs to be made by the both of you.
I disagree with the poster who says that the house is better because it is an investment. Solely as an investment the truck is better, even though it loses value, it makes money whenever it is driven. In the recent real estate markets a house will take a while before the savings over renting are that much of a return on your investment.|||He's right. The interest will be less if the loan covers more. It's the insurance thats going to hurt.
Your problem is going to be in getting the loan with bad credit. It probably will be refused.|||I'd buy the house first so the truck loan doesn't show up on the credit report. Then, I'd get the truck. Plenty of truck dealers will get you into a truck with very little or nothing down. A trucking company will get you into a truck with little down if you lease with them. As long as he keeps the truck running, he should make enough money to cover everything.|||You are not going to buy a house (Or a Truck) with Bad Credit.|||If your credit is bad, don't worry about buying both, you won't be able to.|||Tell him that the house is most important because it's an investment that will make money.|||If I was you I would let him do his way cuz at the end of the day he is your husband. Don't listen to what people say in here Yahoo answers. I mean My uncle is a truck driver and he was working for someone else, then one say he bought a truck and guess what now he doesn't drive anymore. He hire couple people to drive for him. So I would say buying a truck is more importand then buying a house. who pays the rent I would think ur husband? right? am I correct? so pls let him be the man and u be the women. and I don't mean this as shut up and Cook but sometime as a man we need to be the next level. We can't always be working for someone else.
Get it? I hope this help u, and again pls just trust ur husband and ur self.
Whats a wife to do when she feels like the man of the house and she feels her husband is the woman?
I think my husband and I have our roles reversed with the jobs around the house and in the bedroom.
I don't know what to do with him anymore.
Yesterday I mowed the yard while he watched Dr. Phil.
Can men go thru menopause? Because he sure whines like a woman?|||If you had a studly guy on the side, you'd tolerate Mr. Mom just fine!|||The good side of that situation is that you have the freedom to do what you see needs to be done. If he is simultaneously restricting you because you are a woman, then that is bad.
In the bedroom, just tell him that you think that you've forgotten what romance is because he doesn't seem to be using sweet talk and seduction much anymore. Tell him straight out that you want him to make you feel seduced with more foreplay and more attention to your mood.
And if you don't want to do a chore, for God's sake, don't do it. Let the grass get high. Hear him comment about it. Let him decide it's time to cut the grass. Don't even bring up the subject and don't talk to him about it. Just say things that need to get done need to get done. Don't discuss a timetable. Don't step in and do it. Look at all the chores you want him to do that way. Only do the things you feel you will be very comfortable doing, in your woman's role. And only do those things.|||all marriages are different. each of us marries those who compliment us. If we are strong women we pick weaker men to balance our strengths
check out how he treated his family before he married you...that will reveal alot ...and allow you to react accordingly
evidently you discovered this a while "after" marriage.,perhaps you had this notion that the guy always takes the masculine role and is johnny on the spot in being Tim the tool man taylor as well as your personal porn star.
but, not always so. Those handsome men turn into couch potatoes and beer bellies if they are allowed to do so.
there is a saying................" a body at rest tends to remain so"
you can shut down what ever he is watching and hide the cord until things are done around the house.....
from a truck coil wire to a comp port modem.......sometimes drastic measures need to be applied to keep a house going.You are not going to change the way men think, but, if I were stuck mowing the lawn while my husband was watching tv...............there would be no means of watching that darn thing until he had helped around the house.....
the tv would be a luxury to him..................and until i got the amount of work out of him that was needed for me to be able to watch tv .......TOO....(.with him), he would be staring at a dark screen
when men begin to act like teenagers, lay around and do nothing, .................I would begin to treat them as such...and allow them "no" entertainment until all work was done.
too many men marry, to gain a free long as you remain one, he will remain =
that body at rest that tends to remain so|||Your husband is very lucky, he has you. If he doesn't do the lawn you do it, great punishment. You are not using your powers right. Get this book or cd:
The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage CD: Preface and Introduction read by Dr. Laura Schlessinger [Audiobook,|||you need to stop doing, he is thinking you like to do all the work...he could be lazy Give him a list of things to do.Get him to make you some ice cream|||Start creating situation for him to "man up"...otherwise you're going to resent him.|||I'd spank his little as* and tell him to get supper ready and when he's done with that I'm going to take him upstairs and abuse him sexually for hours....that's just me though....
I don't know what to do with him anymore.
Yesterday I mowed the yard while he watched Dr. Phil.
Can men go thru menopause? Because he sure whines like a woman?|||If you had a studly guy on the side, you'd tolerate Mr. Mom just fine!|||The good side of that situation is that you have the freedom to do what you see needs to be done. If he is simultaneously restricting you because you are a woman, then that is bad.
In the bedroom, just tell him that you think that you've forgotten what romance is because he doesn't seem to be using sweet talk and seduction much anymore. Tell him straight out that you want him to make you feel seduced with more foreplay and more attention to your mood.
And if you don't want to do a chore, for God's sake, don't do it. Let the grass get high. Hear him comment about it. Let him decide it's time to cut the grass. Don't even bring up the subject and don't talk to him about it. Just say things that need to get done need to get done. Don't discuss a timetable. Don't step in and do it. Look at all the chores you want him to do that way. Only do the things you feel you will be very comfortable doing, in your woman's role. And only do those things.|||all marriages are different. each of us marries those who compliment us. If we are strong women we pick weaker men to balance our strengths
check out how he treated his family before he married you...that will reveal alot ...and allow you to react accordingly
evidently you discovered this a while "after" marriage.,perhaps you had this notion that the guy always takes the masculine role and is johnny on the spot in being Tim the tool man taylor as well as your personal porn star.
but, not always so. Those handsome men turn into couch potatoes and beer bellies if they are allowed to do so.
there is a saying................" a body at rest tends to remain so"
you can shut down what ever he is watching and hide the cord until things are done around the house.....
from a truck coil wire to a comp port modem.......sometimes drastic measures need to be applied to keep a house going.You are not going to change the way men think, but, if I were stuck mowing the lawn while my husband was watching tv...............there would be no means of watching that darn thing until he had helped around the house.....
the tv would be a luxury to him..................and until i got the amount of work out of him that was needed for me to be able to watch tv .......TOO....(.with him), he would be staring at a dark screen
when men begin to act like teenagers, lay around and do nothing, .................I would begin to treat them as such...and allow them "no" entertainment until all work was done.
too many men marry, to gain a free long as you remain one, he will remain =
that body at rest that tends to remain so|||Your husband is very lucky, he has you. If he doesn't do the lawn you do it, great punishment. You are not using your powers right. Get this book or cd:
The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage CD: Preface and Introduction read by Dr. Laura Schlessinger [Audiobook,|||you need to stop doing, he is thinking you like to do all the work...he could be lazy Give him a list of things to do.Get him to make you some ice cream|||Start creating situation for him to "man up"...otherwise you're going to resent him.|||I'd spank his little as* and tell him to get supper ready and when he's done with that I'm going to take him upstairs and abuse him sexually for hours....that's just me though....
Do unemployed spouses behave like emasculated &work as house-husband as thecounterpart of their working wife?
no,they manage domestic works
in their vown style,there is no need
to get emasculated|||I am unemployed, and my gf earns, so i surly have to help her out with the household work. but that does not mean i am emasculated. When we say man and women are equal, why do we have to say its inferior to do the household work|||usually, no
answer mine please…|||my boy friend is unemployed, and stays with me. he does all the household work while i work out side, but this dosent mean he has to get emasculated
in their vown style,there is no need
to get emasculated|||I am unemployed, and my gf earns, so i surly have to help her out with the household work. but that does not mean i am emasculated. When we say man and women are equal, why do we have to say its inferior to do the household work|||usually, no
answer mine please…|||my boy friend is unemployed, and stays with me. he does all the household work while i work out side, but this dosent mean he has to get emasculated
How can I find out how much my husband's house sold for a few years ago?
I want to know how much the house sold for to see if he made $ on it. My husband and his buddy bought a house together 6 yrs ago before we were married and then ended up having a big blow up. We were still making payments on it after we were married and his friend Chad was still living there alone after we were married and not paying us a dime. We were also making payments on our home at the same time which finally forced us into bankruptcy. Chad's dad is a realtor and sold the house without telling us how much he made on it (he just told us they didn't make anything on it which we really don't believe). They aren't friends anymore by any means and we feel like we got the raw end of the deal. Chad just called this week to tell him that he found out that they overpaid on PMI on the house they owned together and needs him to sign something to get the money back ($600+). I don't trust him and don't think he'll split the $ can we find out if this PMI thing is true?|||All owners must sign the paperwork, so if your husbands name was on the title it could not legally be sold without his signature. Perhaps this dude forged your husbands signature or con'd him into signing something he wasnt aware of. Write letters to both Chad and the Realtor (his dad) stating that you want copies of ALL documents from the sale of the home. Include the address and estimated date of sale and that the home was mutually owned and was sold without your knowledge (if this is true). Send them certified so that you have proof that they received them. Give them like 3 weeks to produce the documents. You should also be able to go down to City Hall and ask for any documents they might have (they keep records on who owns property). DO NOT sign anything else until you get these documents. If it comes to it SUE the pants off Chad and is sleezy dad.|||Go to the courthouse. It should be a matter of public record.|||You can get the selling price by going to any realtor in the area. But perhaps he sold it for way under value to a friend or for kickback money. I would make sure the home was sold for a fair price. He also could not sell the home without your husbands okay. I would get yourself a real estate attny right away and look into this matter. And do not sign anything for now the money has sat this long, it can wait untill this is resolved.|||you can call the tax office in the town which the house is listed. this is public info.or the register of deed,s office. they have all of the info.or get on your computer get the zip code plus the address bring up the house you have in question hope this help.s Bob|||Contact the county courthouse that the property is in (Register of Deeds I believe). It's a matter of public record. All they should need is the address and some time to look it up.||| is just what you are looking for....|||Public tax records. Ask a local real estate agent and they'll be able to look it up for you. Alternatively, go to your local courthouse and ask there.|||Wherever you are, go and find the tax collector's office and county. I have done this, and believe it's much easier than you think. Make sure you have the address, otherwise you're out of luck. The tax assessor(sp) office will have a history on the property, taxes paid, past and current owners. You may have to do some work, but believe me, this 'can' be done. You can find out kinds of things about the house,.....and it doesn't cost a dime,......good luck,.......:%26gt;}|||go to ad punch in the exact address, then click the 'charts and data' menu option and it will tell you the recent (last few years) sales of the house and how much it sold for.
How old should i wait after my girl is born till me and my husband can smoke in the house again?
My house doesn't smell smokey, its 4200 sqft under air and my husband designed the hvac to cycle a lot of air and many people who come over have no idea we smoke. There is no carpet and its a clean place so is it a big deal.|||You should never smoke around your child. Secondhand smoke is very dangerous, increases risks for Sids,asthma and other lung problems.|||Any doctor especially a respiratory specialist will tell you regardless how clean or large your house is that you should NEVER smoke indoors where a child is present!!! It GREATLY increases their chances of asthma/allergies and respiratory problems.|||you shouldnt smoke in the house when there are children there...
Smoking increases chances of ear infections, and second hand smoke lingers, whether you smell it or not.|||Stop smoking inside forever. Since my hubby and I had our daughters, we've stopped smoking in the house completely. Just step outside for 10 minutes. Give your baby that much.|||if you smoke in the house your child will be getting second hand smoke, which is MORE dangerous than you smoking your cigarette.
DONT smoke around your kids ever---it it not fair--they cant stick up for themselves and do you really want to increase their chances of developing cancer?|||Never. Smoke outside. Yes, it is a big deal.|||Never smoke around your kids...not even if you're sitting by an open window.|||NEVER! second hand smoke is really bad for babies. It can cause them to get ear infections, and have lots of respiratory p[problems.|||It's not safe to smoke around anyone - ever. Secondhand smoke doesn't just harm babies and children, it damages teenagers' and adults' lungs as well. Since your daughter has no choice whether she lives there or not, I would suggest waiting until she's 18 and/or moved out and letting *her* decide whether she wants her air/lungs/body polluted.|||I'm a smoker too, but we don't smoke in the house because we believe it is generally not a good idea no matter how well ventalated your house is. It is better to smoke outside or in the garage.
That being said, if you want to smoke in the house that's obviously your house and your family and your choice. I wouldn't smoke around your daughter until the SIDS risk goes down (around 1 to 1 1/2 years old) and make sure to watch for signs of breathing issues (like asthma, chronic coughing, etc).|||Second hand smoke is lethal at any age. You should never allow him to smoke in the house.|||You shouldnt smoke at all, even if you step outside the smoke lingers in your clothing and hair and it is hard on their little airways. Also, My parents smoked in the house when I was growing up and I hated it. My clothes and everything reeked, My friends parents thought that I smoked, it was so bad. My son has asthma and he is 1, and you would never want to witness an asthma attack.|||about 18 to 20 years|||Maybe you should consider stopping smoking for your child's welfare. I'm sure she would want both of you around for as long as possible. It's a fact that smoking shortens lives. It can also be a huge problem for her down the road if she needs to care for you. How important is smoking to you and your husband? Is it more important than your child?|||How long? wait till she grows up %26amp; leave the house or get a place of her own,,,,|||NEVER!!! Why would you even consider smoking in the house with your baby? Is it that hard to go outside? I'm sorry but that IS child abuse!! If your too selfish to step outside for a few minutes, then you should not be able to keep your child! Get over are not the important one here. Jesus Lady!!|||wait 18 years...... Then If she wants to smell cigarette smoke, she can buy her own.|||take it outside for the sake of your child! 2nd hand smoke is very dangerous-regardless of how clean or how big your house is|||Don't smoke in the house ever!!! Second hand smoke kills and if your child gets cancer, even if its not till they are adult, you will have to know that it is your fault that your child is dying.|||I'm actually surprised that you would consider smoking around a child even with your filtration system! The best you can do for your child and yourself is quit smoking completely, for your and her health! Read the statistics!|||ummmm OMG are you smoking NOW? hope not if your prego. Im a pack a day smoker, and even I am more considerate of other people when i smoke! that is just disturbing........|||are you effing kidding me????
that has got to be one of the most stupid questions i have heard in a OUTSIDE LAZY AS S
i resented the hell out of my mother when i was child for refusing to smoke outside and in the car....she was so selfish and careless
it took us many years to regain a relationship after i left home.....and years after that to get a handle on my asthma and allergies as well|||Smoking around children is dangerous. Secondhand smoke can even be worse than smoking in the first place! Always smoke ouside.|||Personally I wouldnt smoke around my children if i had them as they aren't given the chance to make this decision for themselves because it's us adults who make it for them.
But however sum ppl smoke in the kitchen til the childs about 6mths old n then they start smokin evrywere else in the house where the kids are.|||I would, honestly, do it outside. At first it seems like a pain but you'll get used to it and people will actually enjoy going over to your house now. I used to smoke and never noticed how nasty it was until I stopped. Now when I go to a house where people smoke all I want to do is leave because the smell is unbearable.
I would try to quit as soon as you can. I lost a grandmother to lung cancer and it was awful watching her die. She was in terrible pain at the end of her days and had to be on heavy painkillers. She ended up dying in a hospice and not at home with her family. Watching that scared me and that is the reason why I'm so big on not smoking now. She was in her 60s! She was so young and could have lived at least another 20-30 years.
It's really good though that you didn't smoke during your pregnancy.|||doesn't smell smokey to you... but invite a bunch of non smokers to your house... I guarantee it will smell smokey to them.
to answer your question... when the child moves away to college.
seriously, it's not just the smoke in the air, it's the junk that settles, I know you said it circulates... but those chemicals stay on your clothes, skin, hair... unless you plan on showering after each cigarrette... don't smoke. if you must, go outside and wear a smoking jacket and a hat, wash your hands, face, and neck when you come in.鈥?/a>|||I've just had a baby and I can't bear her being around smoke. I'm sure you also feel that your baby is the most precious thing in the world so I would say don't smoke aroind your child full stop. Step outside if you must but wouldn't now be a great time to quit? You'll have given up or cut down a lot in the last nine months and you'll be able to run around and play with your child better as they grow up, as well as having more money.|||still more people die of second hand smokin then smokers.. And its never a clever idea to smoke around small childeren!!!|||smoking and second hand smoke will kill anyone exspecially high risk in children. so i would have to say until she moves out so around 18 years old|||dont even smoke in the house the second hand smoke can have horrible effects on a kid especially a new born. what the heck is the matter with you. If your going to smoke do it out side and away from your baby. i hope you love that baby more than your fixes!|||if its clean its clean
Smoking increases chances of ear infections, and second hand smoke lingers, whether you smell it or not.|||Stop smoking inside forever. Since my hubby and I had our daughters, we've stopped smoking in the house completely. Just step outside for 10 minutes. Give your baby that much.|||if you smoke in the house your child will be getting second hand smoke, which is MORE dangerous than you smoking your cigarette.
DONT smoke around your kids ever---it it not fair--they cant stick up for themselves and do you really want to increase their chances of developing cancer?|||Never. Smoke outside. Yes, it is a big deal.|||Never smoke around your kids...not even if you're sitting by an open window.|||NEVER! second hand smoke is really bad for babies. It can cause them to get ear infections, and have lots of respiratory p[problems.|||It's not safe to smoke around anyone - ever. Secondhand smoke doesn't just harm babies and children, it damages teenagers' and adults' lungs as well. Since your daughter has no choice whether she lives there or not, I would suggest waiting until she's 18 and/or moved out and letting *her* decide whether she wants her air/lungs/body polluted.|||I'm a smoker too, but we don't smoke in the house because we believe it is generally not a good idea no matter how well ventalated your house is. It is better to smoke outside or in the garage.
That being said, if you want to smoke in the house that's obviously your house and your family and your choice. I wouldn't smoke around your daughter until the SIDS risk goes down (around 1 to 1 1/2 years old) and make sure to watch for signs of breathing issues (like asthma, chronic coughing, etc).|||Second hand smoke is lethal at any age. You should never allow him to smoke in the house.|||You shouldnt smoke at all, even if you step outside the smoke lingers in your clothing and hair and it is hard on their little airways. Also, My parents smoked in the house when I was growing up and I hated it. My clothes and everything reeked, My friends parents thought that I smoked, it was so bad. My son has asthma and he is 1, and you would never want to witness an asthma attack.|||about 18 to 20 years|||Maybe you should consider stopping smoking for your child's welfare. I'm sure she would want both of you around for as long as possible. It's a fact that smoking shortens lives. It can also be a huge problem for her down the road if she needs to care for you. How important is smoking to you and your husband? Is it more important than your child?|||How long? wait till she grows up %26amp; leave the house or get a place of her own,,,,|||NEVER!!! Why would you even consider smoking in the house with your baby? Is it that hard to go outside? I'm sorry but that IS child abuse!! If your too selfish to step outside for a few minutes, then you should not be able to keep your child! Get over are not the important one here. Jesus Lady!!|||wait 18 years...... Then If she wants to smell cigarette smoke, she can buy her own.|||take it outside for the sake of your child! 2nd hand smoke is very dangerous-regardless of how clean or how big your house is|||Don't smoke in the house ever!!! Second hand smoke kills and if your child gets cancer, even if its not till they are adult, you will have to know that it is your fault that your child is dying.|||I'm actually surprised that you would consider smoking around a child even with your filtration system! The best you can do for your child and yourself is quit smoking completely, for your and her health! Read the statistics!|||ummmm OMG are you smoking NOW? hope not if your prego. Im a pack a day smoker, and even I am more considerate of other people when i smoke! that is just disturbing........|||are you effing kidding me????
that has got to be one of the most stupid questions i have heard in a OUTSIDE LAZY AS S
i resented the hell out of my mother when i was child for refusing to smoke outside and in the car....she was so selfish and careless
it took us many years to regain a relationship after i left home.....and years after that to get a handle on my asthma and allergies as well|||Smoking around children is dangerous. Secondhand smoke can even be worse than smoking in the first place! Always smoke ouside.|||Personally I wouldnt smoke around my children if i had them as they aren't given the chance to make this decision for themselves because it's us adults who make it for them.
But however sum ppl smoke in the kitchen til the childs about 6mths old n then they start smokin evrywere else in the house where the kids are.|||I would, honestly, do it outside. At first it seems like a pain but you'll get used to it and people will actually enjoy going over to your house now. I used to smoke and never noticed how nasty it was until I stopped. Now when I go to a house where people smoke all I want to do is leave because the smell is unbearable.
I would try to quit as soon as you can. I lost a grandmother to lung cancer and it was awful watching her die. She was in terrible pain at the end of her days and had to be on heavy painkillers. She ended up dying in a hospice and not at home with her family. Watching that scared me and that is the reason why I'm so big on not smoking now. She was in her 60s! She was so young and could have lived at least another 20-30 years.
It's really good though that you didn't smoke during your pregnancy.|||doesn't smell smokey to you... but invite a bunch of non smokers to your house... I guarantee it will smell smokey to them.
to answer your question... when the child moves away to college.
seriously, it's not just the smoke in the air, it's the junk that settles, I know you said it circulates... but those chemicals stay on your clothes, skin, hair... unless you plan on showering after each cigarrette... don't smoke. if you must, go outside and wear a smoking jacket and a hat, wash your hands, face, and neck when you come in.鈥?/a>|||I've just had a baby and I can't bear her being around smoke. I'm sure you also feel that your baby is the most precious thing in the world so I would say don't smoke aroind your child full stop. Step outside if you must but wouldn't now be a great time to quit? You'll have given up or cut down a lot in the last nine months and you'll be able to run around and play with your child better as they grow up, as well as having more money.|||still more people die of second hand smokin then smokers.. And its never a clever idea to smoke around small childeren!!!|||smoking and second hand smoke will kill anyone exspecially high risk in children. so i would have to say until she moves out so around 18 years old|||dont even smoke in the house the second hand smoke can have horrible effects on a kid especially a new born. what the heck is the matter with you. If your going to smoke do it out side and away from your baby. i hope you love that baby more than your fixes!|||if its clean its clean
About to buy a house but my husband could be changing jobs. Where do we stand?
Will the mortgage company still allow us to buy? Should he be in the job for a period of time first?
We already have a buyer for our house and a new home to move to, so this is really bad timing!|||It should not be a problem, particularly if the new job is in the same field. Mortgage companies will simply tack the time on the old job to the time on the old job if it is. If it is in a new field, it will be a little more difficult but you will still get a mortgage provided your scores qualify you.
Best of luck to you.|||carry on as usual|||As long as he is doing the same thing he did in his last job, you both should be fine. If he went from IT to customer service for example, then it may have to fall on your job and credit.|||It shouldn't change anything as long as he's in the same field he is currently in. I'd let the mortgage company know, just incase they call to verify employment, they probably won't if he supplied payroll stubs when he filled out the mortgage paperwork. I changed jobs in the middle, so I called the mortgage company to let them know that I was in a different job making more money but the same industry, they just asked for a months worth of paychecks, it didnt' change a thing.|||It is not a problem as long as you follow the mortgage companies rules. Usually you would need to stay in the same job field ex office clerical, administration, management, etc. I found that when we did this we changed my field to be office clerical so that way it would be a broader field where I could find a job in. You will have to tell the mortgage company though because just before you close escrow they will call your company and confirm that you still work there.|||You should be fine, unless he is taking a significant cut in pay for the new job or he is completely changing career fields.
No worries.|||So long as there is "No Break in Employment" you'll be ok.
Watch out for trial periods in the contract though as these will raise questions!!
We already have a buyer for our house and a new home to move to, so this is really bad timing!|||It should not be a problem, particularly if the new job is in the same field. Mortgage companies will simply tack the time on the old job to the time on the old job if it is. If it is in a new field, it will be a little more difficult but you will still get a mortgage provided your scores qualify you.
Best of luck to you.|||carry on as usual|||As long as he is doing the same thing he did in his last job, you both should be fine. If he went from IT to customer service for example, then it may have to fall on your job and credit.|||It shouldn't change anything as long as he's in the same field he is currently in. I'd let the mortgage company know, just incase they call to verify employment, they probably won't if he supplied payroll stubs when he filled out the mortgage paperwork. I changed jobs in the middle, so I called the mortgage company to let them know that I was in a different job making more money but the same industry, they just asked for a months worth of paychecks, it didnt' change a thing.|||It is not a problem as long as you follow the mortgage companies rules. Usually you would need to stay in the same job field ex office clerical, administration, management, etc. I found that when we did this we changed my field to be office clerical so that way it would be a broader field where I could find a job in. You will have to tell the mortgage company though because just before you close escrow they will call your company and confirm that you still work there.|||You should be fine, unless he is taking a significant cut in pay for the new job or he is completely changing career fields.
No worries.|||So long as there is "No Break in Employment" you'll be ok.
Watch out for trial periods in the contract though as these will raise questions!!
Can someone get housing benifit if there husband owns a house?
I'm an enginerer cause they ar close family friends I have to help them her husband owns a house but can SHE get housing benifit for a diffrent home|||God I hope not.|||If they are separated, and the house is in the husbands name only, then that won't affect a claim for housing benefit.|||NO WAY. Sorry. Unless she divorces him, and moves out and needs help of course. Otherwise this is not the way HB works.|||They'd need an awfully good reason I imagine.|||no, not unless she lives their permanently
How would you feel if husband buys house without your name on deed?
I'm stay-home-mom, with 2kids under age 2, and i don't work. My husband just told me recently he's buying a house in CA,my name won't be on the deed, because he told me student my age don't own houses, how shall i behave? pls help, we have 13 years of age difference,i'm 22.
thanks|||California is a community property state and your husband cannot purchase real estate alone without your permission. The title company will require you to first sign a document stating that you agree that the property is "his separate property" and that you give up any future claim to that property.
You would be crazy to allow him to purchase the property without your name on it. You are over 18 years old, so it is perfectly legal for you to own real property. Sounds like your old man is try to pull a fast one.|||I would be pretty upset. I see how it's 'bad' for you to own a house. I have a friend who bought his own house at 20, so you seem fully qualified to have your name on the deed.|||Well it depends on the state but I believe in CA that the law is 50/50 if you were to get divorced. Generally the only way another spouse can be withheld from sharing the asset is if it is property brought into the marriage. Meaning if he owned a house prior to your marriage this is non divisible through divorce, you would be entitled to nothing. However, once you're married especially if you have children it is more of a 50/50. Plus you're a "stay at home mom" because he requests you to be there for you are making a sacrafice to him %26amp; if you were to get divorced this would also entitle you to spousal support.|||He is wrong here. Very wrong. If you two are married you are partners in everything. Your name should be on the deed as his wife and partner. He is trying to either set himself up to apart from you or trying to hold your youth against you. Wht is he doing buying a home without you involved to begin with? I would tell him your name either goes on the deed with his or you may to leave altogether. I would not aloow this. My husband did that to me on our first home. it bit him n the but financially. It also put me in a bad place for awhile once we lost the home. I could not make any decisions on the home in his absence. Your husband needs to consider that. And not to be nosy--but why did you mary a man 13 years older than you are? He must have done something very very right to catch your eye!|||I agree with the other answers, but I also have one of my own...We are currently trying to a house right now; I am also a stay home mom. (My husband is 4 yrs older than me.) Anyway, my name will not be on the deed. We discussed it %26amp; decided it would be best to not put my name on it; one reason being I don't work. I fully agree with this; I know my husband is not going anywhere. lol|||what is he your dad you tell him off . he probably doesn't want your name on it cause be is trying to leave you. or maybe its just a form of control. whatever it is you tell him that's not kosher and since you will be living there probably cleaning there and washing his stank underware and making him dinner you should be on the lease. and it sounds like you didn't even look at the house. this is decision you should be making together|||I bought my first two houses at 21 is he serious. I would be bent if I was givin that excuse.
Now if he had said honey your credit score would make us have a higher interest rate then I could understand.
thanks|||California is a community property state and your husband cannot purchase real estate alone without your permission. The title company will require you to first sign a document stating that you agree that the property is "his separate property" and that you give up any future claim to that property.
You would be crazy to allow him to purchase the property without your name on it. You are over 18 years old, so it is perfectly legal for you to own real property. Sounds like your old man is try to pull a fast one.|||I would be pretty upset. I see how it's 'bad' for you to own a house. I have a friend who bought his own house at 20, so you seem fully qualified to have your name on the deed.|||Well it depends on the state but I believe in CA that the law is 50/50 if you were to get divorced. Generally the only way another spouse can be withheld from sharing the asset is if it is property brought into the marriage. Meaning if he owned a house prior to your marriage this is non divisible through divorce, you would be entitled to nothing. However, once you're married especially if you have children it is more of a 50/50. Plus you're a "stay at home mom" because he requests you to be there for you are making a sacrafice to him %26amp; if you were to get divorced this would also entitle you to spousal support.|||He is wrong here. Very wrong. If you two are married you are partners in everything. Your name should be on the deed as his wife and partner. He is trying to either set himself up to apart from you or trying to hold your youth against you. Wht is he doing buying a home without you involved to begin with? I would tell him your name either goes on the deed with his or you may to leave altogether. I would not aloow this. My husband did that to me on our first home. it bit him n the but financially. It also put me in a bad place for awhile once we lost the home. I could not make any decisions on the home in his absence. Your husband needs to consider that. And not to be nosy--but why did you mary a man 13 years older than you are? He must have done something very very right to catch your eye!|||I agree with the other answers, but I also have one of my own...We are currently trying to a house right now; I am also a stay home mom. (My husband is 4 yrs older than me.) Anyway, my name will not be on the deed. We discussed it %26amp; decided it would be best to not put my name on it; one reason being I don't work. I fully agree with this; I know my husband is not going anywhere. lol|||what is he your dad you tell him off . he probably doesn't want your name on it cause be is trying to leave you. or maybe its just a form of control. whatever it is you tell him that's not kosher and since you will be living there probably cleaning there and washing his stank underware and making him dinner you should be on the lease. and it sounds like you didn't even look at the house. this is decision you should be making together|||I bought my first two houses at 21 is he serious. I would be bent if I was givin that excuse.
Now if he had said honey your credit score would make us have a higher interest rate then I could understand.
Can I change the locks on my house once my husband moves out?
The problem is that he still visits the kids every other weekend and he REFUSES to have them visit at his one bedroom apt. He insists that he comes and stays the weekend at our house. We are filing for divorce but I don't have enough $$ for the attorney yet to file the paperwork so I am stuck in limbo. I've spoken to a few but it's 125 every time. I really want to boot him out but can I do it without a fallout?|||Only if your name, and your name ONLY is on the lease / mortgage agreement.|||what state do you live in? would be helpful...and secondly you don't need money to get a divorce or set custody issues or child support....once he moves out you can actually file for child support and the state will withdraw the money for him...secondly once he moves out he doesn't not live at that address you need to change your locks...if he loses a marble one day he will be able to just come in and slit your throat!...i would totally change my locks just for fear of that reason alone! me and make sure that you give me your email address so i can write you back and help you do all what you need to do (for free)..and no i don't charge and am not a lawyer...hope to hear from you! good luck!|||If his name is on the lease no you may not change the locks under any circumstances. He must be evicted.... Go to a court house and ask for aid. There are attourneys there that will help you for free or discounted rates according to income! You can also get a fee waiver for filing paper work.|||Why are you letting him have visitation in your home? When you remarry, don't you think that'll be a bit uncomfortable? You can insist just like he can. He's manipulating you and you are allowing it. Tell him visitation is his deal, at his house. Then the locks won't matter.|||My now ex husband did that to me, I gain access by getting a new key through a court order..the house was in my name as well as his..I would consult a lawyer before doing anything..the judge told him I have a right to access my own house whether or not I lived name was on the deed.|||Actually if you can PROVE that he has a new residence, and no longer lives at your address, you can change the locks. You couldn't if he was still technically living there.|||Sure you can change the locks once your husband moves out. If it's YOUR house then yeah.|||Change them before he moves out, and give him a copy of new keys. Why do you have to ask?|||what is wrong with having him over?? think about the children...gosh woman!
Can my mom sign her house over to me and my husband as a gift?
My mom wants to sign her house over to my husband %26amp; I. We are already living in the house and have been paying the mortgage payments, the house is just in her name. I have read about a "quitclaim deed" is that something that we can do or will we actually need to go through the process of buying the house to get it in our names. I live in Phila PA if that makes a difference.|||Quit claim won't work because you are not on title. A grant deed is the most common type of deed used to transfer property from a seller to buyer. Grant deeds are used for properties that are mortgaged and not mortgaged. The mortgage can stay in her name but you can hold title. Contrary to what people think and unlike an automobile, upon closing of the property鈥檚 purchase/sale, the title company records the grant deed at the county courthouse and sends the buyer the original in the mail. She can transfer it to you and she will still have the mortgage burden (which I hope you will pay) until you feel like refinancing it into your name but the property will be yours.|||Yes you may your mother may quit claim the deed to you and your husband. That is perfectly legal. All you have to do is sign the quit claim deed in front of a Notary Public after which you would take the signed and notarized deed to the county recorder's office for recording.
The best way to do this is to look in your local telephone book and find a Title Company. Make an appointment with them, sign the quit claim deed in front of their notary after which they will insure that the deed is recorded at the county recorder's office.
This could save a few possible legal problems in the future.
Prior to doing this I would check with my tax preparer and get some advise from him/her about any tax consequences that might arise from the transfer of this property.
I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.
"FIGHT ON"|||she should be able to add you to the deed - and then you can then remove from it later on - but it's probably quicker to buy it - but if she sells it to you for less than fair market value you have to claim the difference on your taxes as a capital gain - look out for the taxes - they hurt|||You can do a quit claim. However, you will most likely have to pay gift tax on it (not necessarily at the time the quit claim is done, though). If you buy it from her, you can buy it at a price below market value but will have to pay gift tax on the difference (there is a small amount that is excluded - something like $10,000 per person per year). I don't remember what that exact amount is, though. If you buy it and have to get a mortgage for that amount (selling it to you for $1 or something like that won't help you avoid the gift tax as the difference in that $1 and the fair market value is considered a gift), you will have closing costs.
You guys will be better off if she just adds your name to the deed and then it becomes your exclusively when she dies. This avoids probate on the house, but could cause problems should you guys have a "falling out" before then.|||yes i think so my dad once did it to my bothers
The best way to do this is to look in your local telephone book and find a Title Company. Make an appointment with them, sign the quit claim deed in front of their notary after which they will insure that the deed is recorded at the county recorder's office.
This could save a few possible legal problems in the future.
Prior to doing this I would check with my tax preparer and get some advise from him/her about any tax consequences that might arise from the transfer of this property.
I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.
"FIGHT ON"|||she should be able to add you to the deed - and then you can then remove from it later on - but it's probably quicker to buy it - but if she sells it to you for less than fair market value you have to claim the difference on your taxes as a capital gain - look out for the taxes - they hurt|||You can do a quit claim. However, you will most likely have to pay gift tax on it (not necessarily at the time the quit claim is done, though). If you buy it from her, you can buy it at a price below market value but will have to pay gift tax on the difference (there is a small amount that is excluded - something like $10,000 per person per year). I don't remember what that exact amount is, though. If you buy it and have to get a mortgage for that amount (selling it to you for $1 or something like that won't help you avoid the gift tax as the difference in that $1 and the fair market value is considered a gift), you will have closing costs.
You guys will be better off if she just adds your name to the deed and then it becomes your exclusively when she dies. This avoids probate on the house, but could cause problems should you guys have a "falling out" before then.|||yes i think so my dad once did it to my bothers
Can a finance company put a lien on a house only owned by the husband?
For instance I know someone who is married and the wife doesn't pay her monthly payments on a loan. However the finance company said they would put a lien on the house, even though the house isn't in the wife's name.. It's only in the husbands. Everything they own is in the husbands..
Can a finance company put a lienn on a house if it it's only owned by the husband?|||In most states, they will put a lien against her name and her property. If they divorce, it could attach to any share of a community property; in some states the lien attaches to marital property. In most it will just hang there against her sole interests and the house is not one.
Talk to the county clerk; or a lawyer.|||In community property states (mostly those in the southwest - areas with heavily Spanish influence such as California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana - and in Wisconsin), then yes they can. Otherwise, it might just be the finance company threatening an action that they haven't fully investigated yet. They might just be assuming that the house is owned by both the husband and wife jointly.|||The loan company can not place a lien on the home without going to court and suing for the money. Then and only then they may* place a lien on the home. But if it is in his name only they can not. however he is liable for the loan as well as she is. Seek legal council in your state as each state has there own governing laws. (* If it has been proven that the husband and the home had benefited from the loan)|||It depends on if it is in a community property state or not. If it is then she owns 50% of the house and the husband is also responsible for any debts she has.|||Only if the loan agreement says the home was collateral. A lender cannot attach real estate as collateral just for fun.
A mortgage would already be recorded. This finance company is trying to scare them.|||Not sure what you mean. A finance company can't just put liens on property without that property being their collateral. If legally married the damage to credit will impact her husband credit.
Can a finance company put a lienn on a house if it it's only owned by the husband?|||In most states, they will put a lien against her name and her property. If they divorce, it could attach to any share of a community property; in some states the lien attaches to marital property. In most it will just hang there against her sole interests and the house is not one.
Talk to the county clerk; or a lawyer.|||In community property states (mostly those in the southwest - areas with heavily Spanish influence such as California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana - and in Wisconsin), then yes they can. Otherwise, it might just be the finance company threatening an action that they haven't fully investigated yet. They might just be assuming that the house is owned by both the husband and wife jointly.|||The loan company can not place a lien on the home without going to court and suing for the money. Then and only then they may* place a lien on the home. But if it is in his name only they can not. however he is liable for the loan as well as she is. Seek legal council in your state as each state has there own governing laws. (* If it has been proven that the husband and the home had benefited from the loan)|||It depends on if it is in a community property state or not. If it is then she owns 50% of the house and the husband is also responsible for any debts she has.|||Only if the loan agreement says the home was collateral. A lender cannot attach real estate as collateral just for fun.
A mortgage would already be recorded. This finance company is trying to scare them.|||Not sure what you mean. A finance company can't just put liens on property without that property being their collateral. If legally married the damage to credit will impact her husband credit.
How can I convince my husband to move to a new house?
My husband and I bought the house he grew up in from his parents. I hate it here. There is still all kinds of junk from his parents and brother here. I've lived here for almost 4 years and it still doesn't feel like home. It needs so many renovations and I hate to even come home. My husband WILL NOT let us move! I have tried everything =(|||There are a few things you can do. First, try telling him there is a huge amount of equity in the home and that if you sell you will gain a large some of money which in turn can be used to buy a nicer home in the same or better area. If that doesn't work. You can always refinance your home and cash out of your equity. This will help you pay for renovations and new decor.|||Change the locks.|||tell him you'll only have sex with him in a house near the beach.|||He's definitely attached to the house because of memories. Would you or him consider RENOVATING the place? Maybe that would make you happy. If it doesn't, talk to your husband about it!|||do him really good if he loves u he will|||tell him if he doesn't you divorcing him|||Start acting crazy like you're seeing things - like ghosts. Once he tires of that he'll be ready to move.
Or better yet, cut him off from sex. Works every time.|||Burn it!!!
Just kidding, try explaining how you feel about the house to him... Be patient, he might actually get it!|||Just take the pants and start wearing them in the family.|||Find your own home.|||Tell him if you guys don't move, you're leaving him and moving to your newly divorced neigbor, Mr. Fletcher's nicer house.|||Ok, tell him you'll stay IF all of the parents and brother's items are removed and then remodel and make it your own. Good luck.|||WELL HAVE U TRIED GIVING HIM ALL THE REASONS Y IT IS TIME 2 MOVE INTO A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE??? TELL HIM EVERYTHING U HATE ABOUT THE HOUSE U LIVE IN NOW AND THEN TELL HIM THE STUFF U LIKE ABOUT THE NEW HOUSE....... AND IT SHOULD WORK IF NOT THEN I GUESS U NEED 2 GET UP AND MOVE BY UR' SELF HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!|||burn the house down :)|||Move out. Your husband is still a kid. He has to decide
between his childhood and you. He's being disrespectful to
you. He shouldn't want for you to be miserable.
Give him the old untimatum. Tell him if you don't go to couples counselling, you're going to have to split. The counsellor will help
you two decide what's right for your relationship.
Good luck. I feel for you.|||tell him you will brake up with him if you guys dont move somwhere else|||Seems like you bought more than a house. You bought some old memories that are keeping you from moving forward.
Make a move in the right direction. Little by little, one step at a time. Or, just go ballistic and have your way. Which is it? I choose Ballistic..... lol|||Yes u are right,, to stay where we dont like to stay,, is some thing Horrible,, but your Hubby might be more attached to it,, so just dont tell him directly,, to move into new place,,but Instead try to make him realise that,, The old house may be Modified into a New one,, or it can be constructed into an aprttment etc,, and till time being u can move to the new premises,, if u have time then send me Instant message through yahoo messenger,, where we can chatt and u may get some concrete idea,, feel free to send message to boreda underscore chan|||WOW' WHAT A QUESTION.....I DONT KNOW DEAR, BUT TELL HIM TO UP DATE IT AND CHANGE IT TO YOUR LIKE ENS' AND TRY TO WORK TOGEATHER ON THIS....START BOXING UP THAT STUFF U DONT WANT TO SEE......U TWO NEED ALOT OF TIME TALKING ABOUT THIS....DEAR I JUST FINISHED MY 3RD NEW HOME, BUT IM LIVING IN THE 3RD ONE.....DONT TAKE THIS WRONG, BUT I'D BUILD U A NEW HOME AT COST.....BUT IM SINGLE AND LIVE A LONE,NO I DONT KNOW WHY I HAVE THIS BIG PLACE.....I GUESS FOR ME....HOPE THINGS WORKS OUT...
Or better yet, cut him off from sex. Works every time.|||Burn it!!!
Just kidding, try explaining how you feel about the house to him... Be patient, he might actually get it!|||Just take the pants and start wearing them in the family.|||Find your own home.|||Tell him if you guys don't move, you're leaving him and moving to your newly divorced neigbor, Mr. Fletcher's nicer house.|||Ok, tell him you'll stay IF all of the parents and brother's items are removed and then remodel and make it your own. Good luck.|||WELL HAVE U TRIED GIVING HIM ALL THE REASONS Y IT IS TIME 2 MOVE INTO A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE??? TELL HIM EVERYTHING U HATE ABOUT THE HOUSE U LIVE IN NOW AND THEN TELL HIM THE STUFF U LIKE ABOUT THE NEW HOUSE....... AND IT SHOULD WORK IF NOT THEN I GUESS U NEED 2 GET UP AND MOVE BY UR' SELF HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!|||burn the house down :)|||Move out. Your husband is still a kid. He has to decide
between his childhood and you. He's being disrespectful to
you. He shouldn't want for you to be miserable.
Give him the old untimatum. Tell him if you don't go to couples counselling, you're going to have to split. The counsellor will help
you two decide what's right for your relationship.
Good luck. I feel for you.|||tell him you will brake up with him if you guys dont move somwhere else|||Seems like you bought more than a house. You bought some old memories that are keeping you from moving forward.
Make a move in the right direction. Little by little, one step at a time. Or, just go ballistic and have your way. Which is it? I choose Ballistic..... lol|||Yes u are right,, to stay where we dont like to stay,, is some thing Horrible,, but your Hubby might be more attached to it,, so just dont tell him directly,, to move into new place,,but Instead try to make him realise that,, The old house may be Modified into a New one,, or it can be constructed into an aprttment etc,, and till time being u can move to the new premises,, if u have time then send me Instant message through yahoo messenger,, where we can chatt and u may get some concrete idea,, feel free to send message to boreda underscore chan|||WOW' WHAT A QUESTION.....I DONT KNOW DEAR, BUT TELL HIM TO UP DATE IT AND CHANGE IT TO YOUR LIKE ENS' AND TRY TO WORK TOGEATHER ON THIS....START BOXING UP THAT STUFF U DONT WANT TO SEE......U TWO NEED ALOT OF TIME TALKING ABOUT THIS....DEAR I JUST FINISHED MY 3RD NEW HOME, BUT IM LIVING IN THE 3RD ONE.....DONT TAKE THIS WRONG, BUT I'D BUILD U A NEW HOME AT COST.....BUT IM SINGLE AND LIVE A LONE,NO I DONT KNOW WHY I HAVE THIS BIG PLACE.....I GUESS FOR ME....HOPE THINGS WORKS OUT...
I want buy a house, my husband and I work and bring home $2400 every month?
Is it possible? And we have 4 kids.|||To keep it sweet and simple. It is going to depend on your Debt to Income (the amount of bills going out to the amount of money coming in). This should not exceed 55%. Take a look at your Credit. Keep in mind that most lenders go off of a middle score and some average them, or few will give you a morgage with no scores. 620 score or above will give you 100% financing no money down depending on the amount of activity with a lower interest rate. Pay attention to back end lender points. Some brokers will make more money the higher the interest rate they can talk you into. If you fall under those guidelines then give it a shot. Also if you have filed bankruptcy make sure that you are at least two years out of it. And last, make sure that you have 12 months cancelled checks on your previous rental and you have 2 years of work history with w-2s and 2 years of address history. Not critical but will really help you and the broker. Thats basically it. Good luck.|||Do you have any downpayment saved up? Is your credit decent? Its dependant on a lot of things, but my tenative answer would be yes, but it wont be something real expensive, probably on the $80 to 90K range.|||of course it would depend where you live... in southern california (where i live) i can say not a chance unless your down payment is approaching six figures. check out this handy calculator:|||Sure its possible depending on your credit score. I am a loan officer and can help if you want to email me in my profile.
good luck.|||If you live in new york city, no. If you life in Bumstead, Iowa, yes.|||It is very possible, it all depends on your current credit status and what your looking for in terms of loan amount for the home. I would be happy to take a look at your situation and see what you qualify for . I am a Mortgage broker who services all 50 states and I have access to over 100 lenders so I am sure I can find something to fit your individual situation. Please contact me|||no u need to support your kids before you go and buy a house|||It is easier than most people think to buy their own home.
There are so many programs available that almost anyone can do it.
I found a great free report that will help point you in the right direction at:
The report is too big to copy here, but it is free to go there and get your own copy. It will enlighten you.
Good Luck,
Greg|||Need a good realtor for you area? I work with a network of realtors nation-wide
good luck.|||If you live in new york city, no. If you life in Bumstead, Iowa, yes.|||It is very possible, it all depends on your current credit status and what your looking for in terms of loan amount for the home. I would be happy to take a look at your situation and see what you qualify for . I am a Mortgage broker who services all 50 states and I have access to over 100 lenders so I am sure I can find something to fit your individual situation. Please contact me|||no u need to support your kids before you go and buy a house|||It is easier than most people think to buy their own home.
There are so many programs available that almost anyone can do it.
I found a great free report that will help point you in the right direction at:
The report is too big to copy here, but it is free to go there and get your own copy. It will enlighten you.
Good Luck,
Greg|||Need a good realtor for you area? I work with a network of realtors nation-wide
What are my options if house hasn't sold when husband gets his orders?
My husband is currently in basic training and graduates in mid-January. Then he goes to tech school for another month. What are my options if we haven't sold our house before he is due to report to his base?|||For him, he reports to his duty station.
The military doesn't care where you live.
But you cannot collect BAH and live in the barracks, after Tech School, unless he is on an unaccompanied tour.
IE: Its your house, so its your problem to deal with.|||You either try to rent it out or stay behind till it sells.
Keep in mind after training he gets BAH for where he is stationed. He won't be able to live in the barracks either. If you live on base housing (if available) you have all of your BAH taken back.
If you find a cheaper place off post you pocket the rest of the BAH. However trying to maintain two houses is a lot of money.
EDIT: Yes you can collect BAH if you are renting the house however if you live on post your BAH goes for that.
Beware with renting though. Make sure you have a legit contract and every detail is covered. Even people who pass has good renters may not be.|||Get a power of attorney specifically allowing you to sign his name to any document related to the sale of real estate.
If you put a provision that it specifically applies to your house (with address), that is good.
Have your husband sign it in front of a notary %26amp; get the notarial seal.
You can try asking your mortgage company of they have a standard POA that has all the language they want/need, although that is not required.|||Live in it or rent it out.|||Hope you have a good realtor.|||Hello Valerie,
Your house is your own private concern. Your husband will receive the authorized BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) allowance based on the location of his next base. Now, he received BAH based on the Lackland AFB Texas area.
Whether you own a house or not, he always receives the BAH (unless he is residing in on-base housing; and this is a remote possibility for an Airman to get a house on-base.)
You are going to have to:
#1. Stay where you are and he lives in the barracks until your house sells. But, it might take years to sell a house these days.
#2. Turn your house over to a rental agency to try to get as much of your mortgage + fees out of the renter while you rent an apartment off-base at your husband's new base.
#3. Leave the house vacant, keep paying the mortgage, and rent as cheaply as possible at your husband's first base.
#4. If you want to keep the house because you are not sure if your husband will make the military a career and you want to return and move back into your house, then, list it with a property management company.
Either way, your house is your responsibility and the military will always pay the BAH at your husband's pay grade and he cost of living index as the base he is stationed. Not where your house is.
So, you may even out; but, that is unlikely. Because even if you go to a rental property management company renters have a habit of not taking care of your house as you would. You will find that there will be broken "things" over a 4 year period your husband is in the military - plumbing, refrigerator, hot water heater, furnace, etc., etc.
Your husband may have to pay more of his pay after taxes to keep up two residences.
And, if you rent the house you have to pay income taxes on the "profit." But, you can deduct the expenses.
And, you may have to go to work to make up the difference for the apartment rental expenses at the first permanent base you go to. You need about $2,000 to get settled in an off-base rental. First and Last month's rent; utility deposits, etc.
You can find property management companies in your area in the local yellow pages phone books. Whether they deal with "military" people exclusively, I doubt it. You are just like anybody else who has to rent a house.
Best wishes,
Larry Smith
SMSgt, USAF (Ret.)
First Sergeant|||I would recommend finding a realtor and working a deal. Talk to your legal representatives on base or his base. The military offers free legal services. They can really help you out or at least provide power of attorney's for you for free. You aren't the first person in this situation they know how to best assist you.
The military doesn't care where you live.
But you cannot collect BAH and live in the barracks, after Tech School, unless he is on an unaccompanied tour.
IE: Its your house, so its your problem to deal with.|||You either try to rent it out or stay behind till it sells.
Keep in mind after training he gets BAH for where he is stationed. He won't be able to live in the barracks either. If you live on base housing (if available) you have all of your BAH taken back.
If you find a cheaper place off post you pocket the rest of the BAH. However trying to maintain two houses is a lot of money.
EDIT: Yes you can collect BAH if you are renting the house however if you live on post your BAH goes for that.
Beware with renting though. Make sure you have a legit contract and every detail is covered. Even people who pass has good renters may not be.|||Get a power of attorney specifically allowing you to sign his name to any document related to the sale of real estate.
If you put a provision that it specifically applies to your house (with address), that is good.
Have your husband sign it in front of a notary %26amp; get the notarial seal.
You can try asking your mortgage company of they have a standard POA that has all the language they want/need, although that is not required.|||Live in it or rent it out.|||Hope you have a good realtor.|||Hello Valerie,
Your house is your own private concern. Your husband will receive the authorized BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing) allowance based on the location of his next base. Now, he received BAH based on the Lackland AFB Texas area.
Whether you own a house or not, he always receives the BAH (unless he is residing in on-base housing; and this is a remote possibility for an Airman to get a house on-base.)
You are going to have to:
#1. Stay where you are and he lives in the barracks until your house sells. But, it might take years to sell a house these days.
#2. Turn your house over to a rental agency to try to get as much of your mortgage + fees out of the renter while you rent an apartment off-base at your husband's new base.
#3. Leave the house vacant, keep paying the mortgage, and rent as cheaply as possible at your husband's first base.
#4. If you want to keep the house because you are not sure if your husband will make the military a career and you want to return and move back into your house, then, list it with a property management company.
Either way, your house is your responsibility and the military will always pay the BAH at your husband's pay grade and he cost of living index as the base he is stationed. Not where your house is.
So, you may even out; but, that is unlikely. Because even if you go to a rental property management company renters have a habit of not taking care of your house as you would. You will find that there will be broken "things" over a 4 year period your husband is in the military - plumbing, refrigerator, hot water heater, furnace, etc., etc.
Your husband may have to pay more of his pay after taxes to keep up two residences.
And, if you rent the house you have to pay income taxes on the "profit." But, you can deduct the expenses.
And, you may have to go to work to make up the difference for the apartment rental expenses at the first permanent base you go to. You need about $2,000 to get settled in an off-base rental. First and Last month's rent; utility deposits, etc.
You can find property management companies in your area in the local yellow pages phone books. Whether they deal with "military" people exclusively, I doubt it. You are just like anybody else who has to rent a house.
Best wishes,
Larry Smith
SMSgt, USAF (Ret.)
First Sergeant|||I would recommend finding a realtor and working a deal. Talk to your legal representatives on base or his base. The military offers free legal services. They can really help you out or at least provide power of attorney's for you for free. You aren't the first person in this situation they know how to best assist you.
Can a wife legally be kicked out her house if she is being supported by the husband?
So what if they're splitting up and he wants to kick her out. She's being supported by him. Does she get time to get on her feet or can she just be kicked out on the street? In new york, by the way. And the house is owned by the husband. And how long does she get if so?|||I am not a lawyer, and this woman NEEDS A LAWYER. Never mind how much it would cost, that's silly when taken into consideration with the fact that she could be broke and homeless if she's taking the word of her husband and/or HIS lawyer.
No matter what, she is still his wife. She has all kinds of rights, and he just wishes he could kick her out just like that. Don't let her be dumb. CALL A LAWYER. NOW.|||there are a lot of things that need to be considered to answer this question. One- is wife unfaithful or abusive? Then yes; Two- is husband abusive, then she might want to just leave. Three- if they are married, ownership of the house is split unless there was a prenup signed. Five- she might be entitled to alimony depending on her income and his income, if his is considerably higher than hers, he will have to pay, if vice versa, then she might have to pay him, if they are equal, there may be no alimony. These are just some considerations to your question, either way, I think that she should just leave to make these eaier and then consult an blood-thirsty attorney and sue the pants off him!|||I know that in the state of Illinois, who ever's name is on the lease or deed is the one that could stay in the place of residence. If both names on the deed (for example), They would have to sell the house and divide the money in half, or one side buys the other one off. Our state is considered a women state so if the wife is the one getting kicked out because she is not on the lease or on the deed, the judge can give her about 45 days to find another place and be completely out of here, that is the longest the court will protect her.|||A good deal of it will depend on the circumstances of the divorce. The length of the marriage, if there was adultery involved, and on which side, etc. She should not move, or leave until everything is finalized by the courts. He can't legally just kick her out.|||First of all you have to specify location or country.Law waries with lot of differences.Than is impotant to know the reason.So far in california you can't do too much and be wery carefull how you aproach the subject.Consultation needed!!!!|||well ... ima tell you 1st of all ... he shouldnt kick her out jst bc there spiliting at least give her a chance to find a job and be able to support herself before that happens thats very selfish of a man to do that
! i wud say alot more im just sick n lazy!|||She does not have to leave at all.
Legally it is her house too.
Some women clench their teeth and hang on until the guy leaves.
She needs to see a lawyer.|||Yes, the husband can technically legally kick her out of the house on to the street.
No matter what, she is still his wife. She has all kinds of rights, and he just wishes he could kick her out just like that. Don't let her be dumb. CALL A LAWYER. NOW.|||there are a lot of things that need to be considered to answer this question. One- is wife unfaithful or abusive? Then yes; Two- is husband abusive, then she might want to just leave. Three- if they are married, ownership of the house is split unless there was a prenup signed. Five- she might be entitled to alimony depending on her income and his income, if his is considerably higher than hers, he will have to pay, if vice versa, then she might have to pay him, if they are equal, there may be no alimony. These are just some considerations to your question, either way, I think that she should just leave to make these eaier and then consult an blood-thirsty attorney and sue the pants off him!|||I know that in the state of Illinois, who ever's name is on the lease or deed is the one that could stay in the place of residence. If both names on the deed (for example), They would have to sell the house and divide the money in half, or one side buys the other one off. Our state is considered a women state so if the wife is the one getting kicked out because she is not on the lease or on the deed, the judge can give her about 45 days to find another place and be completely out of here, that is the longest the court will protect her.|||A good deal of it will depend on the circumstances of the divorce. The length of the marriage, if there was adultery involved, and on which side, etc. She should not move, or leave until everything is finalized by the courts. He can't legally just kick her out.|||First of all you have to specify location or country.Law waries with lot of differences.Than is impotant to know the reason.So far in california you can't do too much and be wery carefull how you aproach the subject.Consultation needed!!!!|||well ... ima tell you 1st of all ... he shouldnt kick her out jst bc there spiliting at least give her a chance to find a job and be able to support herself before that happens thats very selfish of a man to do that
! i wud say alot more im just sick n lazy!|||She does not have to leave at all.
Legally it is her house too.
Some women clench their teeth and hang on until the guy leaves.
She needs to see a lawyer.|||Yes, the husband can technically legally kick her out of the house on to the street.
Can I sign my house over to my husband and make to where i'm not financially liable?
My husband and I are separating and I don't want the house but its in my name only. Instead of selling it can I turn everything over to him and me not me financially liable or it?|||If there is a mortgage, then the answer is NO. The lender will not do this. You and your ex would need to refinance.
Just by signing over title/deed, it does NOT get you out of being financially liable.|||If you own the property free and clear you could certainly transfer it to him. However, if you have a loan secured by it you cannot, since you would still owe the loan, and transferring the property could make that immediately due and payable.
He would need to get is own financing to pay off your loan in order for you to get out of responsibility for the loan. Don't let anyone convince you to sign a quit claim deed or any other deed without simultaneously paying off your loan at that closing.
Just by signing over title/deed, it does NOT get you out of being financially liable.|||If you own the property free and clear you could certainly transfer it to him. However, if you have a loan secured by it you cannot, since you would still owe the loan, and transferring the property could make that immediately due and payable.
He would need to get is own financing to pay off your loan in order for you to get out of responsibility for the loan. Don't let anyone convince you to sign a quit claim deed or any other deed without simultaneously paying off your loan at that closing.
How do I get my husband to help me around the house?
He works full time and is out of the house from 8 AM to 8PM. I work only on 2 days of the week. Rest of the week I am taking classes towards my master's degree.
It is very stressful for me to come back and finish up work inside the house, clean and cook dinner. My husband does nothing. What can I get him to do for starters and how can I do that?|||well, if he's not helping you out already, you may want to talk to him. Throw in that you're working hard too, and that it would be nice if you had some help. If it turns into an argument, calm yourself, even when he isn't. Explain why it would be a fair trade because you both are working at something, and working hard. Don't make it seem like he'd be having to do ALL the work.
Maybe leave little notes like: can you preheat oven to ___ (whatever it needs to be) and vacuum the house for me? etc, etc.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
P.S. Yeah, he IS working 12 hours a day, but studying for tests in college can take over 4 hours. PLUS the classs time. PLUS the time you need to take to clean, PLUS your work time. Honestly, you have a reason to whine. Just an F.Y.I. for some people answering the question:P (:|||Stop whining.
He's working 12 hours a day and your talking classes, your classes are not for 12 hours a day.
Had you both spent equal time at work and classes, I would say you both should equally clean up the house. But since his days are longer, there is nothing wrong with doing a little bit of house cleaning until he gets home (then you both can finish up).
You people are pitiful, most of you here wouldn't know a hard days work if it kicked you in the butt.|||Simply ask him...if housework isn't important to him, then you just may have to accept you won't get any help...but asking him to assist is the place to start...sounds like you both have a full week, so caring for the home should fall on both your shoulders...|||Stop doing things around the house cook still and if he asks whynothibg has been done say sorry I've been so busy especially this week I assumed you helped out too but seeing as nothing has been done I guess you don't !?|||Your husband does nothing?? I thought you said he works full-time and is gone 8 am until 8 pm? That's far from "nothing."|||Ask nicely.|||Just Love him
It is very stressful for me to come back and finish up work inside the house, clean and cook dinner. My husband does nothing. What can I get him to do for starters and how can I do that?|||well, if he's not helping you out already, you may want to talk to him. Throw in that you're working hard too, and that it would be nice if you had some help. If it turns into an argument, calm yourself, even when he isn't. Explain why it would be a fair trade because you both are working at something, and working hard. Don't make it seem like he'd be having to do ALL the work.
Maybe leave little notes like: can you preheat oven to ___ (whatever it needs to be) and vacuum the house for me? etc, etc.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
P.S. Yeah, he IS working 12 hours a day, but studying for tests in college can take over 4 hours. PLUS the classs time. PLUS the time you need to take to clean, PLUS your work time. Honestly, you have a reason to whine. Just an F.Y.I. for some people answering the question:P (:|||Stop whining.
He's working 12 hours a day and your talking classes, your classes are not for 12 hours a day.
Had you both spent equal time at work and classes, I would say you both should equally clean up the house. But since his days are longer, there is nothing wrong with doing a little bit of house cleaning until he gets home (then you both can finish up).
You people are pitiful, most of you here wouldn't know a hard days work if it kicked you in the butt.|||Simply ask him...if housework isn't important to him, then you just may have to accept you won't get any help...but asking him to assist is the place to start...sounds like you both have a full week, so caring for the home should fall on both your shoulders...|||Stop doing things around the house cook still and if he asks whynothibg has been done say sorry I've been so busy especially this week I assumed you helped out too but seeing as nothing has been done I guess you don't !?|||Your husband does nothing?? I thought you said he works full-time and is gone 8 am until 8 pm? That's far from "nothing."|||Ask nicely.|||Just Love him
Can I legally evict my husband for non payment of house paymets?
My husband has not worked for the last two years and I have supported the family during this time. I want him out of here and to do it legally so that I dont have to deal with this any longer. I just want him out of the house that I have paid for the last 2 years without any problems!|||If his name is on the deed for the house, then you can not evict him, especially if you two are still legally married.
Would you expect to be evicted if he was the only one working, and you didn't have a job? Aren't spouses supposed to support each other when things get tough? There are a lot of men that are out of work right now, and the women are the one's working and supporting their families. More women are able to get work now, and men are finding it harder to get work with the types of jobs that are available.
I'm not judging you, but you must not love your husband anymore, and that would seem to be the real issue here, not the not working scenario that you present to us. Just saying!|||His name is on the title and the mortgage. If you buy him out of his 1/2 you might get him to sign a quit claim|||When you're in a marriage, there is no legal obligation to contribute. It's like you guys are viewed as one person, the other being responsible for the other, including bills. Things like bills should have been discussed before marriage. If you want legal action, get a divorce.|||If you want him out of the house then file for divorce.|||You should find a good divorce lawyer and make your husband accept divorce. It may be hard because he would not have a home to live in anymore and he would have to find work, he may be stubborn and difficult but you should not give up. There are plenty of marriage lawyers out there. After divorce you should seek further advice on your money compensation for you and your children.
If you want him out, then the marriage is practically over, but think about the children and their needs also.
All the best.
Would you expect to be evicted if he was the only one working, and you didn't have a job? Aren't spouses supposed to support each other when things get tough? There are a lot of men that are out of work right now, and the women are the one's working and supporting their families. More women are able to get work now, and men are finding it harder to get work with the types of jobs that are available.
I'm not judging you, but you must not love your husband anymore, and that would seem to be the real issue here, not the not working scenario that you present to us. Just saying!|||His name is on the title and the mortgage. If you buy him out of his 1/2 you might get him to sign a quit claim|||When you're in a marriage, there is no legal obligation to contribute. It's like you guys are viewed as one person, the other being responsible for the other, including bills. Things like bills should have been discussed before marriage. If you want legal action, get a divorce.|||If you want him out of the house then file for divorce.|||You should find a good divorce lawyer and make your husband accept divorce. It may be hard because he would not have a home to live in anymore and he would have to find work, he may be stubborn and difficult but you should not give up. There are plenty of marriage lawyers out there. After divorce you should seek further advice on your money compensation for you and your children.
If you want him out, then the marriage is practically over, but think about the children and their needs also.
All the best.
My husband and I are planning on moving to Texas in 2 years. We want to buy a house there next year?
We would like to rent it out for one year and move into the house the following year? Is this possibe? Do we need to actually be residents of the state to buy a house? What is the going rate to rent a 4BR, 2.5 BTH house in Houston, Texas? My husband's sister lives there so she will over see things for us in terms of rent collection - maybe, and her husband will handle any maintenance issues - we will pay them someting every month for taking care of this for us. Any feedback is welcome please.|||You do not have to be a resident of Texas to purchase a home here, and yes you can rent it out if you choose to, however if you do this you cannot claim the homestead exemption to receive a discount on your state property taxes. In Texas you have to be living in the home in order to receive this benefit, so while you rent it out you cannot, but once you move in you can then contact the local (Harris county) property tax office and claim the homestead exemption. As far as the going rate for a 4br 2.5bth in do realize how darn big that city is right? Depending on the neighborhood, subdivision and general location of the home in the greater houston area you are looking at anywhere from at least $100,000 on up to over a million.|||mmm texas rocks!|||I agree with Shadow about the size of Houston. Depending on what side of 'town' your relatives live on is the first thing to look into. The population is growing so fast that many are commuting as far as 75 miles one way (I did for 15yrs) and these closer areas becoming full. That changes the going rate. As far as residents; my daughter just bought a house near me while being in Germany for 7 years. I would check into, the Houston Chronicle, and craigslist Houston for current home prices.
My husband and I are planning on moving to Texas in 2 years. We want to buy a house there next year?
We would like to rent it out for one year and move into the house the following year? Is this possibe? Do we need to actually be residents of the state to buy a house? What is the going rate to rent a 4BR, 2.5 BTH house in Houston, Texas? My husband's sister lives there so she will over see things for us in terms of rent collection - maybe, and her husband will handle any maintenance issues - we will pay them someting every month for taking care of this for us. Any feedback is welcome plese.|||Yes, (Houston Assoc. of Realtor's site) has every house on the market with every agency online, just search under rentals...
Good luck!|||go to click on agents/offices. we have 2 offices there. ask for the office manager. explain what you are trying to do and they will match you with an agent.|||I don't live in Texas so I am not sure, In Maryland you have to live in the residence for the first 5 years on most purchases unless its a second home. So I would suggest that you speak with the mortgage company that you plan to use, or a real estate agent. In MD, you also pay a penalty if you decide to sell within the first 5 years.
Good luck!|||go to click on agents/offices. we have 2 offices there. ask for the office manager. explain what you are trying to do and they will match you with an agent.|||I don't live in Texas so I am not sure, In Maryland you have to live in the residence for the first 5 years on most purchases unless its a second home. So I would suggest that you speak with the mortgage company that you plan to use, or a real estate agent. In MD, you also pay a penalty if you decide to sell within the first 5 years.
Should I financially help my husband's house poor family?
My husband’s family has been struggling financially. They live the lifestyle of what is known as “house poor”. The dad got sick and cannot work. We gave them $2k last month which was supposed to go towards a deposit on a place they could afford. They haven’t moved yet and are asking for money again. We have about $35k in savings, but also have a baby on the way. What should we do?|||tell them the money you gave them was difficult and you can't afford to give them anymore
peace|||you saved a lot of money and you gave them 2k, just ask them what they done to the money and if they spent all of it. they will probably tell you|||Take them to sign up on section 8 housing, food stamps, medicaid and anything else, no more money, see what they spent the 2k on.|||Help them, but only if they let you in on the details of their situation and allow you to decide where the money goes.|||tell them
peace|||you saved a lot of money and you gave them 2k, just ask them what they done to the money and if they spent all of it. they will probably tell you|||Take them to sign up on section 8 housing, food stamps, medicaid and anything else, no more money, see what they spent the 2k on.|||Help them, but only if they let you in on the details of their situation and allow you to decide where the money goes.|||tell them
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